Suppliers of Plastics Material & Additives

FISCHER resources GmbH

Am Waldeck 6
77855 Achern-Wagshurst


Phone:    +49 (0) 7843 9943 260
Fax:    +49 (0) 7843 9943 259

Contact Persons



Mr. Jürgen Sohn (

Tel.: +49 (0) 7843 9943 222



Mrs. Ute Schmalz (

Tel.: +49 (0) 7843 9943 220

Business Categories

Business: Plastic producer, Trade, Recycling

Products: Recyclat, Regrinds

Materials: EPP, EPS, PS, XPS

Pictures of the company and its products
EPS Regranulate
EPS Shred
EPS Beads
EPS before processing
Company Profile

Starting from a small single proprietorship, FISCHER developed into a specialist for secondary raw materials, employing more than 200 people since then. Spread over several manufacturing locations and subsidiaries, we manufacture secondary raw materials in form of shred or Regranulates in a variety of styles and colors, depending on customer requirement. Our trading establishment adds to our portfolio of experienced specialists and our own fleet of vehicles tops our services off.

FISCHER GmbH is the principal company of FISCHER Group. Specialized in the production of regranulates, we also process shred and new goods for our international customers.

The FISCHER product lineup is mainly produced from airpop®/EPS (expanded Polystyrene) which was former known as Styrofoam™. Our shred and regranulates are used in the most diverse areas and are specialized on the customer needs.

Zertifizierter Entsorgungsfachbetrieb nach § 56 KrWG

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