Supplier of Services for Plastics Industry

Mold-Masters Europa GmbH

Neumattring, 1
76532 Baden-Baden


Phone:    +49 7221 5099-0
Fax:    +49 7221 53093

Contact Persons


Aftermarket Services

Mrs. Lucia Pflüger (

Tel.: +49 7221-5099 30025

Business Categories

Services: Training courses, Seminars

Services in Detail:

The Mold-Masters MasterCARE Academy offers training courses to deepen the knowledge of hot runners, controllers and auxiliary equipment. Our goal is your goal: reliable injection moulding with maximum productivity.

Company Profile

Mold-Masters is the global leader in melt delivery and control systems. The company designs and manufactures the plastic industry’s’ most advanced hot runner systems, temperature controllers and auxiliary equipment. Since 1963, Mold-Masters has invested heavily in research and development. With over 790 granted, and pending patents, Mold-Masters has created many technology breakthroughs and enabled countless new ways of molding a part with hot runners. With manufacturing facilities in North America, South America, Europe, India and Asia, as well as sales and service support in 70 countries, Mold-Masters spans the globe with its capabilities.

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ISO 9001:2015
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