Suppliers of Plastics Material & Additives

MKV GmbH Kunststoffgranulate

Niedertiefenbacher Strasse 2
65614 Beselich-Obertiefenbach


Phone:    +49 (0) 06484 89250-25
Fax:    +49 (0) 06484 89250-33

Contact Persons



Mr. Markus Lutz (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6484-89250-25
Fax: +49 (0) 6484-89250-33



Mr. Rainer Zies (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6484-89250-10
Fax: +49 (0) 6484-89250-33


Einkauf Rohstoffe

Mr. Jörg Komorowski (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6484-89250-15
Fax: +49 (0) 6484-89250-33



Mr. Charlotte Müller (

Tel.: +49 (0) 6484-89250-16
Fax: +49 (0) 6484-89250-33

Additional Web Links
» Rezyklate / Nachhaltigkeit
» Potentiale erkennen / Kosten reduzieren / CO2 sparen
» Eigene Ressourcen nutzen
» zertifizierte Qualität
» Einfach mal kontakten
Business Categories

Business: Recycling, Compounding

Products: Surplus Material , Compounds, Recyclat, Regrinds, Plastics Waste

Materials: ABS, PA, PA 6, PA 6.6, PBT, PC, PC/ABS, PES, POM, PSU

Additives: Fillers, Bonding agents, Hydrolysis protection agents, Light/UV stabilisers, Masterbatches, Nucleating agents, Impact modifiers, Heat stabilisers

Pictures of the company and its products
MKV - Center of Recycling and Sustainability
Way to customers
Company Profile

MKV GmbH Kunststoffgranulate is a medium sized enterprise located in the heart of Europe. Since 1960 we have been living the idea of recycling and producing high quality thermoplastics.

We appreciate that due to the economic climate and the daily challenges presented by the industry, time and quality are guiding factors in the decision making of our customers.

Quality assured compounds, a customer oriented service and fast non-bureaucratic product deliveries distinguish us from our competitors. True to the motto: "Our Quality is Your Success!"

We are Changing the Way We Live - Residual material, sprue-waste, scrap parts and machine purgings are viewed and sorted before being processed. Following this, eight machines grind, remove the dust and strip any metal from the material.

This allows us to effectively use the resources of injection moulding companies and feed scrap parts or sprue waste back into the recycling loop. These products serve as the basis for our high-quality assured products.

At you can get more sustainable and cost-saving information.

ISO 9001
ISO 14001

Nicht nur MKV ist zertifiziert, sondern auch die CO2-Ersparnis des MKV Rezyklates pro eingesetzten Kilogramm.


Not only MKV is certified, but also the CO2 savings of MKV recyclate per kilogram used.
More information about "MKV GmbH Kunststoffgranulate" on plasticker
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