Suppliers of Plastics Material & Additives

Friedel Kunststoffrecycling GmbH

Werkstraße 1+5
89558 Böhmenkirch-Treffelhausen


Phone:    +49 (0) 7332 924114

Contact Persons



Mrs. Nicole Friedel (

Tel.: +49 7332 924114



Mrs. Birgit Barth (

Tel.: +49 7332 9230-490



Mrs. Jessica Friedel (

Tel.: +49 7332 9230-502



Mr. Felix Friedel (

Tel.: ​+49 7332 921475

Additional Web Links
» Website der Friedel Kunststoffrecycling GmbH
Business Categories

Business: Distribution, Recycling, Compounding

Products: Virgin Material, Surplus Material , Compounds, Recyclat, Regrinds, Plastics Waste

Materials: ABS, ABS/PA, ASA, EPDM, LCP, PA, PA amorph, PA 4.6, PA 6, PA 6.6, PA 6.12, PA 6.6/PA 6, PA 12, PBT, PBT/ASA, PC, PC/ABS, PC/ASA, PC/PBT, PE, PE-HD, PE-LD, PE-LLD, PEEK, PET, PMMA, POM, PP, PP-Copo, PP-GF, PP-Homo, PP-TV, PP/EPDM, PPA, PPE, PPS, PS, SAN, SMA, TPE, TPO, TPU

Additives: Colored pigments, Flame retardants, Fillers, Masterbatches, Impact modifiers, others

Pictures of the company and its products
Friedel Kunststoffrecycling GmbH - 2015 © Luftbild: Foto-Becker, Heidenheim - 2015
Our Vecoplan shredder enables us even to shred large-volume thick-walled parts.
Company Profile

Friedel Kunststoffrecycling GmbH based in Böhmenkirch-Treffelhausen (German state of Baden-Württemberg) has over 30 years of experience in plastics processing.
Since the foundation of our company in 1992, we have been successful as a competent and trusted business partner in the plastics industry based on our quality standards and our range of services. Our portfolio of satisfied customers comprises many renowned companies.
Our premises comprising a total of 10,000 sqm enable us to meet the ever-increasing demand.

We focus on recycling supporting your business in many ways:
- Purchase of sprues & scraps
- Contract grinding & contract pelletizing
- Trade in plastics

2020 Zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 im Geltungsbereich Compoundierung und Aufbereitung von thermoplastischen Kunststoffen
(Gültigkeit bis 16.05.2026)

Our company has been repeatedly successfully certified DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 in the field of compounding and reprocessing of thermoplastic resins.
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