Suppliers of Plastics Material & Additives

Athemo-Plast AG

Industriestrasse 47
6300 Zug


Phone:    +41 918625665
Fax:    +41 912249665

Business Categories

Business: Trade, Recycling

Products: Virgin Material, Surplus Material , Recyclat, Compounds, Regrinds, Plastics Waste

Materials: ABS, ASA, EVA, HIPS, MABS, PA, PA amorph, PA 4.6, PA 6, PA 6.6, PA 6.12, PA 6.6/PA 6, PA 11, PA 12, PBT, PC, PC/ABS, PC/ASA, PC/PET, PE, PE-HD, PE-LD, PE-LLD, PE/PA, PE/PP, PEEK, PEI, PES, PET, PET-A, PMMA, POM, PP, PP-Copo, PP-GF, PP-Homo, PP-TV, PP/EPDM, PPA, PPE, PPS, PPSU, PS, PS/Alu, PSE, PSU, PTFE, PUR, PVDF, SAN, others

Company Profile
(no englisch profile available)


Entsorgung von Mahlgütern, Kunststoffteilen, Restposten usw.
Handel mit Typwaren, Compounds, Regeneraten, Restposten, NT-Waren, Mahlgütern.

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91086 Aurachtal, Germany

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52078 Aachen, Germany

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5204 Straßwalchen, Austria

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37216 Witzenhausen-Roßbach, Germany

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39646 Oebisfelde, Germany

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