

05.07.2012, 06:01 Uhr | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

Assocomaplast: Annual assembly confirmed Giorgio Colombo as president

During its annual assembly - on Thursday June 28, 2012, at CESAP in Verdellino-Zingonia, Bergamo - Assocomaplast-Italian trade association for manufacturers of plastics and rubber machinery, equipment and moulds confirmed the Presidency of Giorgio Colombo for the period 2012-2015. President Colombo, in his turn, reconfirmed Alessandro Grassi as vice-President.

The assembly also appointed the arbiters for 2012-2016 and the committee of auditors for 2012-2014.


About Assocomaplast
According to ISTAT (the Italian institute for statistics) data on Italy´s imports and exports of plastics and rubber processing machinery in the first quarter of 2012, both flows continue to show positive trends compared with the same period the previous year.

In fact, a +17% was recorded for overseas sales (this result represents a moderate slow-down, due to a weakening trend in the areas of extrusion plants and injection moulding machines, whilst exports of moulds and blow moulding machines showed a quite positive outlook) and a +22% in the case of imports (this is an acceleration with respect to previous surveys, driven above all by increased purchasing of mould and extruders).

Looking at the "top ten" destination markets for Italy´s exports in this sector, a considerable growth (+19%) emerges in supplies to Germany - up to almost 90 million euros, made up for 2/3 by moulds - which ranks first, as usual, in the classification. Conversely, sales to China have dipped by 19% and it means the country has slipped to the third position, with some 34 millions.

Sales to France (standing at the second place) increased by 37%, to the US by 34%, Poland (+30%), Brazil (+28%), and Turkey (+17%).

More information:

Assocomaplast, Assago, Italy

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