

2012-04-02, 06:06

Kreyenborg: New backflush screen changer

At NPE 2012 in Orlando KREYENBORG GmbH (Muenster / Germany) presented its new backflush screen changer type K-SWE-4K-75-V/RS to the public for the first time.

Compared to the previous version, this newly redesigned backflush screen changer with proven power backflush technology includes improvements. The 75% technology is applied, so that only 1 out of 4 screens is taken out of the production during backflush or screen change. The result is higher constant melt pressure during screen change and backflush. The new version of the V-Type has higher efficiency of backflush, longer screen life and is process, pressure, and volume flow constant during backflush, says Kreyenborg.


Furthermore the screen retainers are optimized. The result is reportedly a more efficient backflush due to higher backflush pressure capability. The new V-Type shows low melt volume due to rheologically optimized displacement pistons and flow channels and therefore shorter residence time of the melt. The installation space could be considerably reduced due to the modified design of the displacement pistons.

Prior to the backflush action, the required backflush melt is stored by a reverse movement of the displacement piston, so creating a reservoir. The backflush material is then compressed and discharged for flushing and thereby cleaning the screen. During normal production this reservoir is always filled by the volume of the displacement piston, therefore eliminating any points of melt stagnation.

During screen change the screen bearing piston containing the dirty filter elements is driven out of the housing so that the dirty screen pack can be exchanged with new filter elements. During screen change, the second screen in this piston as well as the two screens in the second piston remain in the production position so that the melt flow is not interrupted. A minimum of 75% of the total filtration area remains in the process melt flow at all times.

More information:

NPE 2012, 1.-5.4.2012, Orlando, USA, Hall West, Section E, Stand 7271

Kreyenborg GmbH, Münster

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