

2014-02-11, 06:06

Corvaglia: Management restructure

In order to keep up to pace with the growth of the Corvaglia Group, areas of responsibility at management level were restructured as of 1 January 2014. Romeo Corvaglia continues to run the Corvaglia Group as CEO. In addition, three new areas of responsibility were created at management level: Corvaglia Closures managed by Bernardo Osés, Corvaglia Mould & Technology managed by Dr. Michael Krueger, and Finance & Administration managed by Simon Weisser.


About Covaglia
Corvaglia is a provider of holistic closure solutions for the soft drinks industry. Founded in 1991, the company employs a global total of 245 staff at its headquarters in Eschlikon, Switzerland, and an additional manufacturing plant in Mexico.

More information:

Corvaglia Group, Eschlikon, Switzerland

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