

2023-11-24, 14:42

Swedish Plastic Recycling: Site Zero plastics sorting plant opened in Motala

The new Site Zero plastics sorting plant was opened last week in Motala, Sweden.

This was announced by the company Svensk Plaståtervinning (Swedish Plastic Recycling/SPR), which operates the plant as part of its nationwide recycling system for plastic packaging. The Site Zero complex now has the capacity to sort a total of 200,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year following the extensive expansion of a plant that was commissioned in 2019. Up to twelve different materials can be processed for recycling, including polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (HDPE, LDPE), PET, polystyrene (PS), PVC, EPS and several plastic mixtures.


Since 2019, SPR has invested a total of around SEK 1 billion (EUR 87 million) in the expansion of the complex at the Motala site in the southern Swedish province of Östergötland. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) also contributed more than SEK 180 million (EUR 16 million) to the financing of the project. New systems and technologies from the Norwegian industry supplier Tomra and the German company Sutco Recyclingtechnik were implemented on the approximately 60,000 square metre site. Further new facilities for cleaning and granulating plastic waste are to be built at the site by 2025.

SPR CEO Mattias Philipsson: "We are delighted to have such strong and competent partners at our side. The co-operation in our first project has already convinced us of Tomra and Sutco. It is the quality and flexibility of their systems and the reliable service that have made them our partners. Together, we want to turn Site Zero into a sorting plant that serves as a role model in Europe."

SPR is responsible for the recycling of plastic packaging waste from households in Sweden. The industry associations Plastbranschens Informationsråd, Dagligleverantörernas Förbund, Svensk Handel and Svensk Dagligvaruhandel are involved in the company.

More information:,,

Swedish Plastic Recycling, Motala, Sweden

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