

2023-11-27, 10:15

Aloxe: New rPET plant launched in Lorraine

The Dutch-French company Aloxe opened a new plant for the production of recycled PET (rPET) in mid-November.

According to the company's press release, the new complex in Messein near Nancy, Département Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, has the capacity to produce 37,500 tonnes of rPET per year. By the end of this year, the facilities at the existing Aloxe site in Vézelise will also be relocated to Messein, meaning that the new plant will be able to produce a total of 50,000 tonnes of rPET per year. The Vézelise site will then be closed.


According to the press release, Aloxe has invested around 25 million euros in the construction of the plant on a brownfield site in Messein. The equipment was supplied by the Austrian Erema Group. Around 30 people are currently employed at the new site. According to earlier information, the capacities in Messein are to be gradually expanded over the coming years.

Aloxe is expanding its capacity in response to the growing demand for rPET, in particular due to corresponding regulations in France and the EU, which stipulate a minimum rPET content of 25 per cent for PET bottles from 2025 and 30 per cent from 2030. According to the company, demand for food-grade rPET will amount to 1.3 million tonnes per year in the EU in 2025, while production capacity in the EU is currently only around 850,000 tonnes.

Founded in 2021, Aloxe has its headquarters in Amsterdam and an additional administrative centre in Paris. In addition to its capacities in France, the company has production sites in Presenzano, Italy, and Gdynia, Poland. Together with Polish plastics processor Ergis Group, Aloxe is also building an rPET plant in Wąbrzeźno near Toruń, which is scheduled to go into operation next year with an annual capacity of 40,000 tonnes.

Aloxe recently achieved an annual turnover of around 35 million euros with a total of 180 employees. For 2025, the company is aiming to increase its turnover to 220 million euros and increase its total workforce to around 300 employees. Aloxe's largest shareholder is the US investment company Ara Partners, which also holds stakes in companies such as Circulus, Petainer and Repeats Group in the plastics and recycling sector.

More information:,,

Aloxe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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