

2020-10-16, 12:31

Wipak: Plastic film manufacturer modernizes capacities in Wales

Plastic film manufacturer Wipak is expanding and modernizing production at its Welshpool site in the UK.

According to the company's press release, investments of more than 5 million GBP (5.5 million euros) are planned for this purpose. By the summer of next year, among other things, new film finishing lines are to be put into operation. The aim of the modernization project is also to achieve more sustainable production overall by reducing plastic consumption and making greater use of recyclable raw materials. Wipak also expects to create over 50 new jobs at the site in the Welsh county of Powys in the coming years.


Andrew Newbold, Managing Director of WipakUK, stated in the mailing: "At a time when some packaging companies are consolidating their operations in the UK, Wipak UK continues to expand. This investment - the largest in the history of Wipak UK - is a clear commitment by the Wipak Group to the packaging market and manufacturing capacity in the UK and is a tribute to the diligence of our employees at our Welshpool site."

Wipak, which is part of the Finnish Wihuri Group, has eleven production sites in Finland, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, France, Italy, Spain and China with a total of some 1,800 employees. The annual turnover of the group is about 450 million euros.

More information:

Wipak, Finland + Great Britain + Germany


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