

2013-02-22, 06:04

Styron: Price increase for polycarbonate in Europe

Styron Europe GmbH and its affiliate companies in Europe announced price increases for all CALIBRE™ polycarbonate (PC) and EMERGE™ polycarbonate and blends products. Effective as of March 7, or as contract terms allow, the prices for these products will rise by EUR 270 per metric ton.

Over the last year, the PC industry has experienced extremely low margins that are no longer sustainable, says the company. In order to restore margins to an acceptable level, Styron is increasing the price of its Polycarbonate products to catch up with the recent and continuous cost increases.


„For the Polycarbonate industry, 2012 will go down in history books as an extremely turbulent year; characterized by historically low and unacceptable margins. Following the continued elevation in costs of the key raw materials associated with the production of CALIBRE™ and EMERGE™ grades, a significant price change is necessary to restore sustainable profitability levels“, says Nicolas Joly, Product Market Manager for Polycarbonate at Styron Europe.

„Moreover, the global supply/demand balance for PC significantly improved during the course of 2012. Heading into 2013, the global demand curve is paving the way for increased PC sales. On the domestic front, European demand for PC is expected to grow along with the GDP. Internationally, export demands from Asia are also growing, and new growth areas have been identified in emerging regions. To support this growth trend, it is vital to restore the pricing position of Polycarbonate if we want to continue to supply these markets in a sustainable way.“

Styron Europe GmbH, Horgen, Switzerland


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