Product: PETG Sheet Rolls in Original Packaging
Quantity Now:
42k lbs of PETG Clear .040x30”x1400 LFT
42k lbs of PETG Clear .035x30”x1400 LFT
Quantity: ongoing
Quality: PETG sheet and rolls are designed for visual merchandising, retail display and graphic arts markets. Additional uses include industrial face shields and fabricated parts. It offers a high clarity, impact resistant solution.
Price: Please provide CFR DESTINATION PORT for quote.
Payment: 50/50 TT bank wire transfer. 50% prepayment per Pro Forma Invoice (PI); balance per PI upon proof of confirmed booking. When all funds are received prior to in-gating (delivering) the container(s) at the port or rail ramp, we email loading photos, weight tickets, pack lists, Commercial Invoice and draft BL for Buyer's approval.
Please Note: we "live load" these goods at the factory and immediately in-gate them. This keeps our costs low, which we pass along to the benefit of the buyer. So, we cannot hold the containers in order to wait for the final payment per the PI. If the actual loaded weight is less than the PI weight, we will refund any Buyer overpayment on demand.
Other: Subject to prior sale