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Vir=Virgin material
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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected offers: 181
1 to 50
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat natur Bayer Bayblend T65PG Restposten Originalware natural 1.8 to 1.30 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Reg PC/ABS Mahlgut Bayer Bayblend T45 PG weiß in Octabin white 1.5 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat Altech GY1110-14 B2020/879 grau Restposten Originalware grey 0.3 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS ex Bayblend T65 Regranulat schwarz black 0.8 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Sur Pel PC/ABS offspec natural Schulman Ronfalin C 110 natural 17.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg Bayblend® FR 3030 black 10.0 to 1.20 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS, Sitraloy® 605E black 5.6 to 2.00 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS, Sitraloy® EP11030 black 4.0 to 2.00 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS, Bayblend® T65 XF black 1.6 to 2.00 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS T45 Industrial-Quality black 100.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Cpd PC/ABS T65 XF black 94 others 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Cpd PC/ABS T85 XF black 93 others 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Computers  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS PIR Pel PC/ABS black pellets, automotive PIR black 21.6 to 1.30 €  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS PIR Reg PC/ABS black regrind, no lacquer, paint/coating, crushed from post industrial automotive part black 31.6 to 1.10 €  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Rec Cpd PC/ABC-Compound- black black 15.0 to 1.34 €  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS microlack coloured 22.0 to  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Sur Pel PC/ABS with glass fibre grey grey 0.9 to 0.75 €  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS T65XF counter type virgin material black 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS T88 4N virgin material black 100.0 to  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS GX70 black virgin black 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS 630 GF virgin material black 100.0 to  
09-16 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS XCY620S counter type virgin material black 20.0 to  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC+ABS LG Chem black 0.1 to 2.45 €  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS prW Pel PC/ABS Regranulat black  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel Pulse A35-105 black 12.0 to 3.85 €  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel Bayblend T65 XF black 5.0 to 3.40 €  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Sur Pel PC/ABS, Xantar C CP 200 natur natural 0.4 to  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel Bayblend T85 XF 901510 black 0.5 to 2.60 €  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS prW Reg PC-ABS mit Lack coloured 5.0 to  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS, LUVOTECH Eco T65 BK black black 1.0 to  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS prW Pel PC/ABS REGRANULATE BLACK black 26.0 to 1.20 €  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS prW Pel PC/ABS REGRANULATE WHITE 16.0 to  
09-11 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/SAN T 90 MF schwarz black 0.1 to 1.00 €  
09-11 (O) PC/ABS Sur Pel Dyblend R schwarz black 0.1 to 2.00 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS T65 BAYBLEND Regranulat black 19.0 to 1.20 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Pel PC/ABS Regranulat Restposten black 5.0 to 1.00 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC-ABS®Samsung WP 1069 quarz G62204/schwarzgrau, 25kg Sack/bag, WPZ(art.0651) others 1.0 to 2.25 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS GF10 ® PC/ABS T882N schwarz/black, Octabin (art.0577) black 0.8 to 1.40 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Gehäuse von Flachbildschirmen/Röhrengeräten.. 20.0 to  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS WEEE-Kunststoffe zu verkaufen... 20.0 to  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS V0 mineral, ex SABIC Cycoloy® CM6210 grey 22.0 to 0.60 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS Reg PC/ABS Lack coloured 80.0 to 0.35 €  
09-10 (O) PC/ABS prW PC/ABS regrind 20.0 to  
09-09 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS color mix with soft (95%) and hard(5%) paint ex automotive 40.0 to 0.59 €  
09-09 (O) PC/ABS prW Reg PC/ABS regrind coated black 4.0 to 0.45 €  
09-09 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel Bayblend T85XF schwarz black 3.0 to 3.65 €  
09-09 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel BAYBLEND M850 XF BLUE 530205 blue 6.6 to 2.50 €  
09-09 (O) PC/ABS prW Reg PC/ABS GF 30 black 3.6 to  
09-08 (O) PC/ABS prW Reg Mahlgut ex lackierte Teile PC/ABS coloured 21.0 to