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Vir=Virgin material
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Selected offers: 3715
3051 to 3100
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Celstran PA66-GF50 (GF50), PA 6.6 regranulate light grey grey 0.3 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6.6 PIR Pel Celstran PA66-GF50 (GF50), PA 6.6 regranulate light grey grey 0.3 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Bergamid A700 G20 HW UF (GF20,FR), PA 6.6 regranulate black black 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6.6 PIR Pel Bergamid A700 G20 HW UF (GF20,FR), PA 6.6 regranulate black black 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6.6 PIR Reg Bergamid A700 G20 HW UF (GF20,FR), PA 6.6 regrind coloured coloured 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Bergamid A700 G20 HW UF (GF20,FR), PA 6.6 regrind coloured coloured 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regrind natural natural 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regrind natural natural 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regranulate natural natural 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regranulate natural natural 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Ultramid B3WM8 (MF40), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PP-Copo prW Pel PP Regranulat schwarz black 24.0 to  
08-21 (O) PBT Vir Pel ULTRADUR S 4090 G6 SCHWARZ black 1.5 to 1.30 €  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Pel Post Industrial Recyclate Sonstige 24.0 to 0.72 €  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Ultramid B3WM602 (MF30), PA 6 regrind black black 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Ultramid B3WM602 (MF30), PA 6 regrind black black 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Ultramid B3WM602 (MF30), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Ultramid B3WM602 (MF30), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Ultramid B3WG6 (GF30), PA 6 regrind black black 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Ultramid B3WG6 (GF30), PA 6 regrind black black 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Ultramid B3WG6 (GF30), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Ultramid B3WG6 (GF30), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PVC PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, coloured coloured 12.8 to  
08-21 (O) PVC-h PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, coloured coloured 12.8 to  
08-21 (O) PVC PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, light grey grey 21.1 to  
08-21 (O) PVC-h PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, light grey grey 21.1 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Taromid B 280 H MT6 (MF30), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Taromid B 280 H MT6 (MF30), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Taromid B 280 H MT6 (MF30), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 0.3 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Taromid B 280 H MT6 (MF30), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 0.3 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Pentamid B GV10 MC20 H2 RC (GF10,MF20), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.6 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Pentamid B GV10 MC20 H2 RC (GF10,MF20), PA 6 regranulate black black 0.6 to  
08-21 (O) PVC PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion, coloured coloured 1.9 to  
08-21 (O) PVC-h PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion, coloured coloured 1.9 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Pentamid B GV10 MC20 H2 RC (GF10,MF20), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 0.6 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Pentamid B GV10 MC20 H2 RC (GF10,MF20), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 0.6 to  
08-21 (O) PVC PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, transparent transparent 2.0 to  
08-21 (O) PVC-h PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, transparent transparent 2.0 to  
08-21 (O) PC Vir Pel Sabic Lexan PC 141 R white 0.5 to 1.00 €  
08-21 (O) TPO Vir Pel Exxtral HMU404 black black 1.4 to 0.80 €  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Pel Latamid 6 H2 G/30-V0HF1 (GF30,FR), PA 6 regranulate black black 1.0 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Pel Latamid 6 H2 G/30-V0HF1 (GF30,FR), PA 6 regranulate black black 1.0 to  
08-21 (O) PVC PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, white white 17.9 to  
08-21 (O) PE-LLD PCR Pel PCR LLDPE regranulate from agricultural films white 300.0 to 1.00 €  
08-21 (O) PVC-h PIR Reg PVC-hard regrind, extrusion ex sheets, white white 17.9 to  
08-21 (O) PA 6 PIR Reg Latamid 6 H2 G/30-V0HF1 (GF30,FR), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 1.0 to  
08-21 (O) PA PIR Reg Latamid 6 H2 G/30-V0HF1 (GF30,FR), PA 6 regrind coloured coloured 1.0 to