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Selected offers: 3714
3651 to 3700
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
08-19 (O) PP-Homo Sur Pel Purell HP372P weiß und HP373P weiß (ähnl. RAL 9003) white 2.6 to  
08-19 (O) PC/PBT Vir Pel PC/PBT Creablend-B50E schwarz Oktabin black 4.2 to 0.50 €  
08-19 (O) PE-LD Rec Pel LDPE Regranulates mixed NEW FILTRATION, for film from 20my coloured 200.0 to 0.59 €  
08-18 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS FR V0 regrind white-grey mixed others 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PEI Rec Reg PEI Mahlgut bunt + schwarz + natur others 18.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC unfilled regrind transparent, injection transparent 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC unfilled regrind black-transparent black 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC GF10-20 non FR regrind mixed color coloured 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC GF10-20 FR V0 regrind white white 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA Sur Pel PA6 + PA6.6 granules black black 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) ABS Sur oth ABS regrind + recyclet pellets natural natural 38.0 to  
08-18 (O) PBT Rec Reg PBT GF 10-30 regrind mixed color coloured 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PVC-w Sur PVC-w transparent 3.0 to 0.45 €  
08-18 (O) PPS Rec Reg PPS GF/MF65% regrind natural, ex Ryton BR111 natural 5.0 to  
08-18 (O) TPC Rec Reg TPC unfilled regrind natural, ex Hytrel SC 969 natural 17.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA 4.6 Rec Reg PA4.6 regrind black, ex Stanyl TW341 black 5.0 to  
08-18 (O) SAN Rec Reg SAN regrind mixed color, mixed types coloured 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA Rec Reg PA6.6/PA6 I/X Grivory GV-6H black black 4.5 to  
08-18 (O) POM Rec Reg POM Copo GK30% regrind natural natural 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PET-G Rec Reg PET-G Copo regrind blue-transparent, ex Eastar 6763 transparent 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PBT Rec Reg PBT unfilled regrind natural, coarse grinding material natural 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind clear, extrusion, with printing others 10.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA 6.6 Rec Reg PA6.6 regrind unfilled, mixed color coloured 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) ABS Rec Reg ABS regrind mixed color, injection, ex LEGO coloured 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA 12 Rec Reg PA12 unfilled regrind natural 6.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA 6 Rec Reg PA6 unfilled mixed color, ex Durethan B30S coloured 11.0 to  
08-18 (O) PPS Rec Reg PPS GF/MV65% regrind natural, ex Ryton R7 natural 10.0 to  
08-18 (O) ASA Rec Reg ASA regrind white, injection white 3.0 to  
08-18 (O) PPA Rec Reg PPA GF50% regrind black, ex Grivory HTV-5H1 black 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA 6.6 Rec Reg PA6.6 regrind unfilled, mixed color coloured 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) POM Rec Reg POM unfilled regrind mixed color, ex Hostaform coloured 10.0 to  
08-18 (O) TPU Rec Reg TPU Elastollan 1190A regrind natural natural 0.9 to  
08-18 (O) ABS Rec Reg ABS regrind white + liht-gray, injection white 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) ABS Rec Reg ABS Mahlgut schwarz-bunt, extrusion coloured 35.0 to  
08-18 (O) POM Rec Reg POM Copo GF26% regrind natural natural 10.0 to  
08-18 (O) ABS Rec Reg ABS Mahlgut schwarz-bunt, extrusion coloured 40.0 to  
08-18 (O) PBT Rec Reg PBT GF FR V0 regrind natur-weiß, ex Ultradur B4406 G6 natural 23.0 to  
08-18 (O) POM Rec Reg POM unfilled regrind mixed colorm mixed types coloured 22.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind clear, extrusion, ex sheets clear 15.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS FR V0 regrind coloured 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC unfilled FR V0, black-mixed color coloured 5.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind mixed color, extrusion, ex sheets coloured 15.0 to  
08-18 (O) POM Rec Reg POM unfilled regrind nstural, ex Delrin 500 natural 4.2 to  
08-18 (O) PA Rec Reg PA6.6/PA6 I/X Grivory GVX-5H black black 17.0 to  
08-18 (O) PA 6 Rec Reg PA6.6 GF20-35% regrind mixed color coloured 40.0 to  
08-18 (O) PPA Rec Reg PPA GF25% regrind black, ex Amodel AT-1125 HS black 15.0 to  
08-18 (O) ABS Rec Reg ABS with TPU-foil regrind mixed color-black coloured 20.0 to  
08-18 (O) PC/ABS Rec Reg PC/ABS regrind mixed color, painted coloured 1.1 to 0.40 €  
08-18 (O) PA 6.6 Rec Reg PA6.6 unfilled, high impact modified, light blue blue 18.7 to  
08-18 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind whie, injection white 2.1 to