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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected offers: 18
1 to 18
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
02-10 (O) TPV Vir Pel TPV ® Santoprene 123-40 natur/natural, Shore D41, 25 kg Sack/Bag, WPZ (art.0520) natural 1.0 to 4.95 €  
02-13 (O) TPV Vir Pel Santoprene 101-55 black 1.0 to  
02-17 (O) TPV Vir Pel Santoprene 121-58 W175 schwarz Neuware black 0.3 to 3.89 €  
02-13 (O) TPV Vir Pel Santoprene 121-50 M100 black 0.0 to  
02-06 (O) TPV Rec Reg TPE Sh A 85 ex Santoprene 8201-80 elektrisch leitfähig grey 0.6 to 1.00 €  
01-30 (O) TPV Vir Pel Sarlink black 4.0 to 1.90 €  
02-15 (O) TPV Vir Cpd TPV GENPRENE V ST25LF60 NATURAL natural 23.0 to 2.85 €  
02-13 (O) TPV Vir Pel TPV granules black 2.1 to  
02-17 (O) TPV TPV Regranulate 70 ShA - black  
02-17 (O) TPV Rec Pel TPV Regranulate 80 ShA - black black 24.0 to  
02-13 (O) TPV Vir Pel Santoprene 121-60 M200 black 0.0 to  
01-20 (O) TPV Vir Pel DuPont ETPV V60A01HSL schwarz black 0.3 to  
01-22 (O) TPV Rec Cpd TPV 90ShA regranulate black black 24.0 to  
01-22 (O) TPV Rec Pel TPE-V 90ShA regranulate black black 24.0 to  
02-15 (O) TPV PIR Pel TPV GENPRENE V KST29LF60A BLACK black 23.0 to 1.95 €  
01-19 (O) TPV Vir Pel TPV black 0.8 to 2.10 €  
02-17 (O) TPV Rec Pel TPV Regranulate 90 ShA - black black 24.0 to  
01-29 (O) TPV Vir Pel Santoprene 8221-65M300 natur natural 0.2 to