Current requests in the material exchange

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(More terms can be connected with +, e.g. film+waste+bales)
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Form: Max. Price: EUR/kg
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Shortcuts for type and form:
Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected requests: 53
1 to 50
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
07-16 (R) PP We search PP Regrind white MFI 1-1000 500.0 to  
07-16 (R) PP PP fleece non-wooven TNT in white - colored - black 400.0 to  
07-15 (R) PP oth oth We are looking for PP pallets coloured  
07-15 (R) PP Looking for in any PP scrap 100.0 to  
07-15 (R) PP Rec Reg PP White white 100.0 to  
07-15 (R) PP prW Bieten Höchstpreise für PP-Plattenware coloured 200.0 to 0.35 €  
07-15 (R) PP PP, PP/EPDM, PP TD, PP GF, PP Nonwoven, PP foils  
07-15 (R) PP prW PP Nonwoven  
07-12 (R) PP prW Teile mit Kupfer, Alu, Messing, VA, Stahl, Metall 10.0 to  
07-10 (R) PP prW Bls PP film transparent 100.0 to  
07-09 (R) PP PP Mahlgut  
07-09 (R) PP PP Vlies bunt/Natur 200.0 to  
07-08 (R) PP PP Produktionsausschuss 44.0 to  
07-08 (R) PP Reg PP regind wanted  
07-05 (R) PP Reg PP-EL Mahlgut schwarz gesucht (esd) 24.0 to  
07-03 (R) PP PP non woven  
07-03 (R) PP pcW Bls Search post consumer waste PP from yellow bag coloured 1.0 to  
07-02 (R) PP pcW Bls PP big bags white 80.0 to  
07-02 (R) PP prW PP rolls with and without print  
07-02 (R) PP PP-Stocklots Granules-Regind  
07-01 (R) PP PP Prod.Abfälle gesucht  
07-01 (R) PP PP  
07-01 (R) PP pcW Bls PP Flaschen 100.0 to  
06-30 (R) PP prW Reg PP Kistenmahlgut others 100.0 to  
06-30 (R) PP pcW Reg PP Mahlgut Weiss white 48.0 to  
06-30 (R) PP Vir Pel PP Granulat Natur Mfi 500-1500 natural 100.0 to  
06-30 (R) PP prW Reg PP Mahlgut Natur natural 100.0 to  
06-28 (R) PP pcW Bls Looking for HDPE boxes + garbage cans, also PE PP mix (e.g. boxes). 200.0 to  
06-27 (R) PP prW Bls LOOKING FOR BIG BAGS 100.0 to  
06-26 (R) PP PP Mahlgut  
06-25 (R) PP We are looking for PPT  
06-25 (R) PP Plattenabschnitte PP gesucht 24.0 to  
06-25 (R) PP pcW WEEE-Plastik gesucht... coloured 120.0 to  
06-25 (R) PP PP Folie Natur mit EVOH 200.0 to  
06-25 (R) PP We search PP Regrind white MFI 1-1000 500.0 to  
06-22 (R) PP pcW PP Hartkunststoffe  
06-22 (R) PP Folien bedruckt und unbedruckt  
06-21 (R) PP Reg We are looking for PP regrind  
06-19 (R) PP PP Reg. Schwarz Extrusion MFI 2-3 100.0 to  
06-19 (R) PP PP Folie Windelfolie mit Füllstoff 100.0 to  
06-19 (R) PP We search PP Regrind NATURAL MFI 1-1000 500.0 to  
06-19 (R) PP prW PP WASTES AND REGRIND 20.0 to  
06-19 (R) PP Rec Reg PP regrind or regranulate white/milky/natur MFI 3-50 white 100.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP WEEE materials WANTED 1,000.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW Bls PP 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW PP 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW PP weiss 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW oth PP Folie Natur natural 200.0 to