Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 27
1 to 27
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) SAN Sur Pel SAN offspec clear Polyman 2415 Ultra transparent 17.0 to  
09-17 (O) SAN prW Reg SAN regrind clear Kumho 310TR clear 4.0 to  
09-17 (O) SAN Rec Reg 35 % GF natural 10.0 to 0.75 €  
09-17 (O) SAN Vir Pel transparent 0.6 to 1.30 €  
09-16 (O) SAN prW Reg SAN Mahlgut ex Kostil bunt coloured 1.4 to 0.45 €  
09-12 (O) SAN Vir Pel SAN transparent NF2200 transparent 3.0 to  
09-12 (R) SAN Vir Pel SAN KUMHO 310TR transparent  
09-10 (O) SAN Vir Pel SAN ® Luran 368R transparent/rauchtopas 25668, 25kg Sack/Bag (art.0337) transparent 5.0 to 2.75 €  
09-10 (R) SAN SAN natural transparent  
09-05 (O) SAN Vir Pel Kumho SAN 300 transparent transparent 1.6 to  
09-05 (O) SAN prW Reg Regrind ex SAN /colored /71119 coloured 0.4 to  
09-05 (O) SAN prW Reg Regrind ex Luran 388S /black /73005 black 0.7 to  
09-05 (O) SAN prW Reg Regrind ex SAN /transparent /73213 transparent 0.4 to  
09-05 (O) SAN prW Reg Regrind ex SAN /colored /70285 coloured 1.0 to  
09-04 (O) SAN Reg Mahlgut ex Kumho schwarz mit natur 0.2 to 0.10 €  
09-04 (O) SAN Reg Mahlgut ex Kumho natur natural 0.6 to 0.20 €  
09-04 (O) SAN prW Reg SAN - Mahlgut ex. Kostil 366 natur natural 1.1 to  
09-01 (O) SAN Sur SITRASAN (ASA) 5E GS30 black 2.5 to 0.95 €  
08-29 (O) SAN Rec Reg SAN bunt coloured 8.0 to  
08-29 (R) SAN SAN regrind mix color 20.0 to  
08-26 (O) SAN Vir Pel SAN Tyril 905 UV 38791 - 74 transparent 1.9 to 2.14 €  
08-26 (O) SAN Vir Pel Trinseo Tyril 905UV transparent 1.2 to  
08-22 (O) SAN Vir Pel Luran HD20 glasklar TR6400 clear 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) SAN prW Reg SAN Mahlgut bunt coloured 15.0 to 0.30 €  
08-20 (O) SAN Vir Pel Luran® 368R SAN CC77851 transparent transparent 2.8 to  
08-20 (O) SAN Vir Pel Luran HH120 natural 0.1 to 3.00 €  
08-18 (O) SAN Rec Reg SAN regrind mixed color, mixed types coloured 22.0 to