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Selected entries: 4495
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 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (R) PE-LD pcW Bls LDPE film 98/2, 95/5 transparent 60.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP-Copo pcW Pel PP Copolymer Regranulat MFI: 16 g/10 (230°C/2,16kg) grey 21.0 to 0.48 €  
09-17 (O) PE pcW Bls pe white white 150.0 to  
09-17 (O) PET-G prW GPET plattenware natural 31.0 to 0.05 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 prW Bls PA 6 natural yarn production waste natural 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PET pcW oth PET / PE rolls others 20.0 to  
09-17 (R) others oth Bls PU foam in bales Sonstige 300.0 to  
09-17 (R) PBT Rec Reg MAHLGUT PBT-GF10 bis 30%, schwarz black 24.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat natur Bayer Bayblend T65PG Restposten Originalware natural 1.8 to 1.30 €  
09-17 (O) PP prW Reg PP automotive black 10.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Reg PC/ABS Mahlgut Bayer Bayblend T45 PG weiß in Octabin white 1.5 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (O) PP PP automotive 15  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat Altech GY1110-14 B2020/879 grau Restposten Originalware grey 0.3 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Vir Pel PA6 Granulat Badamid B70 schwarz Restposten Originalware black 0.1 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Vir Pel PA6 Granulat Lanxess Durethan BKV30W1 GF30 grau Restposten Originalware grey 0.5 to 1.60 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel PA 6.6 Majoris Venyl VG 108-8139 - grau/sw Originalware - Restposten black 0.6 to 1.50 €  
09-17 (O) LCP Pel 0,5 to LCP ex Vectra A130 schwarz Regranulat black 0.5 to  
09-17 (O) PPA Reg 4 to PPA ex Zytel HTNFR52G30 schwarz Mahlgut black 4.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS ex Bayblend T65 Regranulat schwarz black 0.8 to  
09-17 (O) PBT Reg 1 to PBT ex Crastin 830FR schwarz Mahlgut black 1.0 to  
09-17 (O) LCP Rec Pel 1,6 to LCP ex Vectra E130i schwarz Regranulat black 1.5 to  
09-17 (O) PE-HD PIR Reg PE HD white regrind white 15.0 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel Zytel® 70 G 30 HSL BK 39 black 4.0 to 3.68 €  
09-17 (R) PVC-h Rec Reg PVC Rigid Transparent Regrind transparent  
09-17 (O) TPE prW Reg TPE Shore A70-90 coloured 12.0 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel Zytel® 70 G 30 HSLR BK 099 black 2.0 to 3.68 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 prW Reg ex Ultramid A3K NATUR natural 0.7 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel Zytel® 70 G 30 HSLR natural 2.0 to 3.68 €  
09-17 (O) PET pcW Bls Pet Bottles mix others 30.0 to  
09-17 (R) TPE TPE regrind lump waste 20.0 to  
09-17 (R) PE HDPE LDPE LLDPE injection type with MFI >6 100.0 to  
09-17 (R) Additive PE Wax 2.0 to  
09-17 (O) PVC Pel PVC-H Granulat 300mµ coloured 25.0 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (R) PE-LD Vir Pel LDPE/LLDPE MFI 20-30 Granulat to buy natural 20.0 to  
09-17 (R) PE Rec Reg PE/PP dunkel blau Regrind ex Purell 2410T or Dow780e blue 20.0 to 0.50 €  
09-17 (O) PP PP regranulat  
09-17 (O) EVA Rec Pel PE-LD/EVA granules mixed color coloured 8.0 to 0.45 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Sur Pel PC/ABS offspec natural Schulman Ronfalin C 110 natural 17.0 to  
09-17 (O) SAN Sur Pel SAN offspec clear Polyman 2415 Ultra transparent 17.0 to  
09-17 (O) POM Sur Pel POM Homo Delrin100 ST granules natural natural 9.0 to  
09-17 (O) SAN prW Reg SAN regrind clear Kumho 310TR clear 4.0 to  
09-17 (R) PP-Copo pcW Reg PP copo black coloured 50.0 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Rec Pel PA 6 GF 30 black 10.0 to  
09-17 (O) ABS pcW Reg ABS Polylac 757 bunt Mahlgut coloured 0.9 to 0.40 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Rec Pel 30 % GF, industrial quality black 24.0 to 2.70 €  
09-17 (O) ABS Rec Pel ABS, Compound black 20.0 to 1.80 €  
09-17 (O) PP Rec Pel PP, GF 30, Compound black 20.0 to 1.80 €  
09-17 (O) PP Rec Pel PP, GF 20, Compound black 20.0 to 1.80 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Rec Pel PA 6, GF 30, ex Ultramid® B3WG6, Compound black 18.0 to 3.00 €  
09-17 (O) POM Rec Pel POM, ex C9021, Compound black 2.0 to 2.20 €