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Vir=Virgin material
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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
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prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 4539
1 to 50
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) PEI Vir Pel PEI Granulat ULTEM weiß/grau 1110F Restposten Originalware 0.8 to 4.80 €  
09-17 (O) PBT Vir Pel PBT Granulat Lanxess Pocan B3235 GF30 weiß Restposten Originalware natural 2.1 to 1.70 €  
09-17 (O) TPS Vir Pel TPS Granulat Softer Laprene BK1901A90 Restposten Originalware black 0.5 to 0.55 €  
09-17 (O) PMMA prW Reg PMMA translucent 10.0 to 0.80 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 prW Reg Durethan BKV 30FN04 V0 5.7 to 0.65 €  
09-17 (O) TPS prW Reg Evoprene GTM 971 black 0.9 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PC prW Reg Apec 1745 transparent 1.9 to 1.20 €  
09-17 (O) PP prW Reg PP/LDPE 50/50 hellbunt coloured 60.0 to 0.50 €  
09-17 (O) PA 10.10 prW Reg Grivory HT XE 4027 black 5.6 to  
09-17 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Homo Granulat Witcom PP-H 4G-EM.HS schwarz Restposten Originalware black 0.1 to 0.50 €  
09-17 (O) others prW Reg Zeonex 690R clear 5.0 to 0.75 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 prW Reg Akromid B3 1 FR V-0 coloured 8.7 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (O) others prW Reg PK Polyketone RIAMAXX HR GF30 FR black 14.0 to 0.65 €  
09-17 (O) PP Add Pel Grafe PP Modalen LSS schiefergrau RAL 7015 grey 1.0 to 0.30 €  
09-17 (O) PP prW Reg Simona-Platten grau grey 13.5 to 0.78 €  
09-17 (O) PPE/PS prW Reg Noryl GTX810 black 11.6 to 0.60 €  
09-17 (R) PA 6 prW oth PA Spritzguß GF GB Teile Metall others  
09-17 (O) PP-GF Vir Pel PP Granulat GF30 Borealis Fibremod schwarz Restposten Originalware black 0.1 to 0.50 €  
09-17 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS Estadiene 0417 white 6.5 to 0.65 €  
09-17 (R) PC/ABS prW oth PC/ABS Teile Mahlgüter mit/ohne Metall others  
09-17 (O) PA 4.6 prW Reg Stanyl TW 200 F3 coloured 0.8 to 0.60 €  
09-17 (O) TPU prW Reg Elastollan R3000 Shore D73 (Polyester Basis) green 4,000.0 to 0.98 €  
09-17 (O) ABS Vir Pel ABS Granulat Terluran HI-10 natur - Restposten Originalware natural 0.2 to 0.90 €  
09-17 (O) others prW Reg PK Akrotec PK-VM GF30 FR coloured 3.0 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Vir Pel PA 6 Granulat weiß Grivory GV-5H 6858 Restposten Originalware white 0.4 to 1.50 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel PA 6.6 GF 20 Granulat schwarz Bratke Originalware - Restposten black 0.2 to 1.50 €  
09-17 (O) PP Reg PP Inmold coloured 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC Vir Pel PC Granulat BADA AG Badalon schwarz Restposten Originalware black 0.2 to 0.60 €  
09-17 (O) PC Vir Pel PC Granulat GE Plastics LEXAN 123 R 825 088 weiß Originalware Restposten white 0.7 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat SABIC Cycoloy CP8320 weiß Restposten Originalware white 0.3 to 1.20 €  
09-17 (O) PP prW Reg PPVO..PPFR coloured 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) ABS/MABS prW Reg M-ABS bunt coloured 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat schwarz CAS Lastik LS650T Restposten Originalware black 0.2 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (O) PS prW Pel PS hips Regranulat weiß white 20.0 to 1.16 €  
09-17 (O) PVC-h PIR Reg PVC-h natur Mahlgut natural 44.0 to  
09-17 (R) PET PET-Schrott / Klumpen / Produktionsabfall 200.0 to  
09-17 (R) others polyster fabric rolls / production waste 100.0 to  
09-17 (R) PET Pet Klumpen 500.0 to  
09-17 (R) POM WE BUY PMMA, PC, ABS, PA6, PA66, POM, PC-ABS 51.0 to  
09-17 (R) PC Kauf von PC (Polycarbonat) Schrott, Schnittstücken oder Reststücken 51.0 to  
09-17 (R) PMMA PMMA cuts / scrap / clear and colored 100.0 to  
09-17 (R) PA buy ld / nylon (PA) rolls 50.0 to  
09-17 (R) others bedruckte Papierrollen Schrott 100.0 to  
09-17 (R) PMMA PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylat) Regranulat / Mahlgut 50.0 to  
09-17 (R) others Heißprägefolie, gebrauchte / Produktionsabfälle. 50.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS prW Reg PC/ABS T88 Schwarz/Transparent coloured 12.0 to 0.45 €  
09-17 (O) PS Reg PS-EL Extrusion Mahlgut black 8.0 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Sur Reg PA6 ground virgin filament - natural natural 4.0 to 0.94 €  
09-17 (O) PS Rec Pel PS granulated black black 10.0 to 0.79 €  
09-17 (O) PET R-PET - HQ low price technical film foil, various colours - producer! 100.0 to 1.15 €