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 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Rec Pel PA6.6-GF30 granulated black black 3.8 to 1.60 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Rec Pel PA6-GF30 granulated black - free FTL delivery, HQ, NEW PRICE!! black 20.0 to 1.60 €  
09-17 (O) ABS Rec Pel ABS granulated lightish black - high quality, NEW PRICE! black 19.4 to 1.15 €  
09-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS granulated black - high quality black 10.0 to 1.15 €  
09-17 (O) PP-GF Rec Pel PP GF25 granulated black - high quality black 2.4 to 1.15 €  
09-17 (O) ABS PIR Reg ABS regrind -> extrusion black 7.2 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (O) PP/EPDM pcW Bls PPEPDM bumpers in bales Sonstige 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP pcW Reg PP regrind, twinsheets/plastkarton Sonstige 30.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP-GF prW Reg PPGF regrind black 22.0 to  
09-17 (O) PET prW PET FILM PRINTED PRODUCTION WASTE 100% PET transparent 20.0 to 0.20 €  
09-17 (O) PET prW PET/PE FILM BALES post industrial transparent 40.0 to 0.25 €  
09-17 (O) PET pcW Bls Pet Trays others 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PVC pcW Bls Pvc Profiles black 20.0 to  
09-17 (R) PE-HD pcW Bls HDPE cans/canisters/barrels 100.0 to  
09-17 (R) PE-HD pcW Reg HDPE crates, boxes, bins, roto, pallets 200.0 to  
09-17 (O) others Div. Neuware  
09-17 (O) ABS Vir Pel VIRGIN ABS ZPC ZA0210 natural 24.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP pcW Pel PP/ABS/PS/PC we offer different color recycled regranulates Sonstige  
09-17 (R) PS oth oth PS Hips Material als Ballenware oder Mahlgut others 300.0 to  
09-17 (O) PVC prW Bls PVC Trims grey 24.0 to  
09-17 (O) PBT Vir Pel PBT GF30 schwarz black 10.0 to 1.35 €  
09-17 (O) PVC pcW Bls rigid and soft pvc others 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC PIR Reg PC 16.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC PIR Pel PC white 24.0 to  
09-17 (O) ABS PIR Pel ABS natural 24.0 to  
09-17 (O) PET pcW oth Pet Belts others 75.0 to  
09-17 (O) HIPS PIR Pel HIPS white 24.0 to  
09-17 (R) PE-LD pcW Bls LDPE film 98/2, 95/5 transparent 60.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP-Copo pcW Pel PP Copolymer Regranulat MFI: 16 g/10 (230°C/2,16kg) grey 21.0 to 0.48 €  
09-17 (O) PE pcW Bls pe white white 150.0 to  
09-17 (O) PET-G prW GPET plattenware natural 31.0 to 0.05 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 prW Bls PA 6 natural yarn production waste natural 20.0 to  
09-17 (O) PET pcW oth PET / PE rolls others 20.0 to  
09-17 (R) others oth Bls PU foam in bales Sonstige 300.0 to  
09-17 (R) PBT Rec Reg MAHLGUT PBT-GF10 bis 30%, schwarz black 24.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat natur Bayer Bayblend T65PG Restposten Originalware natural 1.8 to 1.30 €  
09-17 (O) PP prW Reg PP automotive black 10.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Reg PC/ABS Mahlgut Bayer Bayblend T45 PG weiß in Octabin white 1.5 to 0.70 €  
09-17 (O) PP PP automotive 15  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC/ABS Granulat Altech GY1110-14 B2020/879 grau Restposten Originalware grey 0.3 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Vir Pel PA6 Granulat Badamid B70 schwarz Restposten Originalware black 0.1 to 1.00 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6 Vir Pel PA6 Granulat Lanxess Durethan BKV30W1 GF30 grau Restposten Originalware grey 0.5 to 1.60 €  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel PA 6.6 Majoris Venyl VG 108-8139 - grau/sw Originalware - Restposten black 0.6 to 1.50 €  
09-17 (O) LCP Pel 0,5 to LCP ex Vectra A130 schwarz Regranulat black 0.5 to  
09-17 (O) PPA Reg 4 to PPA ex Zytel HTNFR52G30 schwarz Mahlgut black 4.0 to  
09-17 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS ex Bayblend T65 Regranulat schwarz black 0.8 to  
09-17 (O) PBT Reg 1 to PBT ex Crastin 830FR schwarz Mahlgut black 1.0 to  
09-17 (O) LCP Rec Pel 1,6 to LCP ex Vectra E130i schwarz Regranulat black 1.5 to  
09-17 (O) PE-HD PIR Reg PE HD white regrind white 15.0 to  
09-17 (O) PA 6.6 Vir Pel Zytel® 70 G 30 HSL BK 39 black 4.0 to 3.68 €