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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 239
151 to 200
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
08-27 (O) PC Vir Cpd PC with FR (yellow card possible) 20.0 to  
08-26 (O) PC Vir Pel PC MAKROLON 2805 natural 24.0 to 2.60 €  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC-GF/TF/CF regrind black Alcom black 10.0 to 0.70 €  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC regrind crystal clear, MFI 9 clear 34.0 to 1.50 €  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC Lexan Exell D waterclear regrind clear 5.0 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC Mahlgut ex Makrolon 9425 grey 7.3 to 0.70 €  
08-26 (O) PC Rec Reg PC rgerind FR411MT grey 7.9 to  
08-26 (R) PC PC sheets/offcuts/ lead frames 50.0 to  
08-26 (R) PC prW CD/DVD - Disk, shredder, regrind coloured  
08-26 (R) PC prW PC hollowsheets 60.0 to  
08-26 (O) PC oth Reg PC Ex-Lexan 500 R coloured  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Makrolon 2405 grau grey 0.8 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Makrolon 2805/Lexan bedampft coloured 2.3 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Wonderlite 110V weiß white 0.4 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Makrolon weiß transluzent 0.1 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Gebalon blau blue 0.1 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Apec 1895 grau/bunt 0.1 to  
08-26 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Apec 1795 schwarz black 2.6 to  
08-23 (O) PC PIR PC PART WITH BRASS AND METAL black 30.0 to 0.50 €  
08-23 (R) PC Vir Pel Panlite L1225ZL100 Teijin Limited 5.0 to  
08-23 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan ML3019, 73223 grey 4.6 to  
08-22 (O) PC Sur oth PC transparent film on roll transparent 3.5 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 6555 fbl. 550115 clear 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan LS2 transparent 111 transparent 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2407 weiss 020003 white 0.2 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2805 rauchtopas 085004 transparent 0.1 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan 500R grau 735084 grey 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2405 schwarz 901510 black 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2405 fbl. 550115 transparent 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2805 fbl. 550115 transparent 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2400 fbl. 55/115 (neu: 550115) transparent 0.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 9425 schwarz 901510 black 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan GLX143 - GN9G007T green 2.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan 123R transparent 111 transparent 0.2 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan 121R transparent 111 transparent 0.2 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2458 fbl. 550115 transparent 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2407 fbl. 550115 transparent 1.3 to  
08-22 (O) PC prW Reg Mahlgut PC GF20 VO/FR schwarz, ex Lexan 3412R black 5.0 to 1.00 €  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg injection molding, < MF5, PC regrind coloured coloured 4.2 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg PC regrind, injection molding, white, natural white 0.6 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg PC regrind, injection molding, coloured coloured 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg Makrolon 9425 (GF20,FR), PC regrind black black 0.5 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg Lexan XHR 6000 (FR), PC regrind light grey grey 0.9 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg Lexan XHR 6000 (FR), PC regrind coloured coloured 0.7 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg PC regrind, Extrusion FR ex Platten, transparent transparent 0.8 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg PC regrind, Extrusion FR ex Platten, coloured coloured 1.7 to  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg PC regrind, extrusion ex sheets, white white 0.2 to  
08-21 (R) PC Reg PC regrind with contamination - LARGE QUANTITY, PRICE NEGOTIABLE  
08-21 (R) PC prW MIX LUMPS PC, PC/ABS and others coloured 0.10 €  
08-21 (O) PC PIR Reg PC regrind, extrusion ex sheets, transparent transparent 1.1 to