Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 325
251 to 300
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
08-22 (O) PP PIR Pel RTP 104 CC FR A UV (GF25,FR), PP regranulate black black 0.1 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Pel Giplene DXT54/V0XS (TV20,FR, PP regranulate black black 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg Giplene DXT54/V0XS (TV20,FR, PP regrind coloured coloured 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion TV20 ex sheets, coloured coloured 3.5 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion FR ex sheets, black black 4.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion FR ex sheets, grey grey 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion FR ex sheets, coloured coloured 0.9 to  
08-22 (O) PP Rec Pel Regranulat PP blue 5.6 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex thermofoming film blister, white, natural white 4.0 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex thermofoming film blister, white white 7.6 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex multiwall sheets, white white 0.6 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex multiwall sheets, coloured coloured 1.1 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex sheets, natural natural 0.8 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex sheets, light grey grey 20.7 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex sheets, coloured coloured 6.5 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion ex sheets, beige 3.4 to  
08-22 (O) PP PIR Reg PP regrind, extrusion, coloured coloured 7.5 to  
08-22 (O) PP Vir Pel PP regrind, injection molding, FR, natural natural 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP Vir Pel PP regrind, injection molding, FR, coloured coloured 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP Rec Pel PP Regranulate Black injection black 14.0 to  
08-22 (O) PP Rec Pel PP Regranulate Black injection black 26.0 to  
08-22 (O) PP Rec Pel PP Regranulate Black black 10.0 to  
08-22 (O) PP Rec Pel PP Regranulate Blue blue 14.0 to  
08-22 (O) PP Rec Pel PP Regranulate Light Brown brown 10.0 to  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Pel PP-Copo regranulate, extrusion MFI 0,8 ex sheets, natural natural 0.6 to  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Reg PP-Copo regrind, extrusion MFI 0,8 ex sheets, natural natural 0.5 to  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Pel PP-Copo regranulate, injection molding, GF20, coloured coloured 0.5 to  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Pel PP-Copo regranulate, extrusion MFI 0,8 ex sheets, natural, beige natural 0.2 to  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Reg PP-Copo chippings, extrusion MFI 0,8 ex sheets, natural, beige natural 0.3 to  
08-21 (O) PP prW Reg PP white+grey / Alu regrind (PP (90-80%)+ Al (10-20%)) white 20.0 to 0.38 €  
08-21 (O) PP prW Reg PP Mahlgut, 100 % aus Verschlüssen, bunt coloured 0.1 to 0.65 €  
08-21 (O) PP prW Reg Hostacom G3U01/Polyfort (PP), Mahlgut black 0.1 to 1.00 €  
08-21 (O) PP PP Foam Film Rolls. 30.0 to 0.55 €  
08-21 (R) PP Large amounts of LDPE, HDPE or PP needed!  
08-21 (O) PP PIR Pel Post Industrial Recyclate Sonstige 24.0 to 0.72 €  
08-21 (R) PP PP Mahlgut  
08-21 (O) PP Rec Pel Recycled PP pellets black  
08-20 (O) PP Vir Pel Borealis Borcom BG055AI natural 0.2 to 1.55 €  
08-20 (O) PP PIR Pel PP unfilled regranulate black black 22.0 to  
08-20 (O) PP Rec Pel PP-LF Recompound schwarz black 24.0 to  
08-20 (R) PP Reg PP-EL Mahlgut schwarz gesucht (esd) 24.0 to  
08-20 (O) PP Rec Pel PP Recompound schwarz black 24.0 to  
08-20 (O) PP Rec Pel PP-LF Recompound schwarz black 24.0 to  
08-20 (O) PP prW Pel PP Regranulat schwarz Industriequalität black 5.0 to  
08-20 (O) PP Vir Pel KW Voerde PPU X9067HS black 1.6 to 1.00 €  
08-20 (O) PP Vir Pel Softell® TKG 2039N grey 0.9 to 1.00 €  
08-20 (O) PP PP Reg. Natur Sonderposten MFI 2 Extrusion 5.0 to  
08-20 (R) PP Wir suchen PP Folie Natur 500.0 to  
08-20 (O) PP PP Regrind colored - black under 2% foreign material ex. lumps 24.0 to  
08-20 (R) PP We search PP Regrind white MFI 1-1000 500.0 to