Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 324
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 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-12 (O) PP oth Reg PP unverstärkt mit Papier coloured 1.9 to 0.35 €  
09-12 (O) PP oth oth PP unverst. Ex-Moplen EP 240 T Staub coloured 0.6 to 0.04 €  
09-12 (O) PP Cpd PP TPE black 3.0 to 1.35 €  
09-12 (O) PP Reg PP unverstärkt coloured 15.0 to  
09-12 (O) PP oth Pel PP Borealis offgrade MFI 13 white 5.5 to 0.80 €  
09-12 (O) PP Vir Pel PP K8003 natural 21.0 to  
09-12 (O) PP prW Pel PP BLACK REGRANULATE black 50.0 to  
09-12 (R) PP prW Bls PP FOLIE NATUR & WEISS others 100.0 to  
09-12 (O) PP prW Agl PP Aglomerat coloured 24.0 to  
09-11 (O) PP prW SO PP ofcuts grey 20.0 to 0.50 €  
09-11 (R) PP PP Bumpers  
09-11 (O) PP PP big bags  
09-11 (O) PP HPP Ineos 100-HR25 hochtransparent 4.0 to 2.50 €  
09-11 (O) PP PP non woven  
09-11 (O) PP Medical Film rolls  
09-11 (R) PP Rec Reg We are looking for PP regrind ex. Simona sheets  
09-11 (R) PP prW oth PP oder OPP Folien, aus der Produktion others  
09-11 (O) PP prW Reg PP Mahlgut WEISS white 5.2 to  
09-11 (O) PP Rec Agl PP AGGLOM COLORED coloured 40.0 to  
09-11 (O) PP Rec Reg PP WHITE WITH PRINT 22.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP pcW Reg PP-BOX 35.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP Vir Pel PP Borealis offgrade grey MFI 0.22 grey 80.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP PCR Reg PP Rohrmahlgut in schwarz black 23.0 to 0.48 €  
09-10 (O) PP Regrind PP from paletts  
09-10 (O) PP Vir Pel PP LGF20®Techno Fiber PPLGF20-10HI schwarz/black, Octabin (art.0288) black 1.1 to 2.50 €  
09-10 (O) PP Rec Reg PP EXTRUSION ® PP Extr. Rohr/Pipe, ex Vista, grey RAL 7040, Octabin (art.1291) 30.0 to 0.75 €  
09-10 (O) PP PIR Pel PP Compund, 44% PIR, weiß RAL 9003 white 17.9 to 0.90 €  
09-10 (O) PP PP-Vlies (Neuware) für Atemmasken... 80.0 to  
09-10 (R) PP Plattenabschnitte PP gesucht 24.0 to  
09-10 (R) PP pcW WEEE-Plastik gesucht... coloured 120.0 to  
09-10 (R) PP PP natural regrind  
09-10 (O) PP PIR Bls pp films in bales coloured 18.0 to 0.18 €  
09-10 (O) PP PIR Reg PP box automotiv black 40.0 to 0.56 €  
09-10 (O) PP prW Reg PP coloured 22.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP oth Reg PP fruit crate coloured 60.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP Reg PP tekpol coloured 44.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP Rec Bls pp big bags white 150.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP Rec Bls pp big bags A white 40.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP PP white pellets 20.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP prW Pel PP white pellets white 10.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP PP/PE black regrind 20.0 to 0.40 €  
09-10 (O) PP Looking for any production or clean waste 200.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP prW PP black pellets 50.0 to  
09-09 (O) PP PP  
09-09 (O) PP Rec Pel PP 3-6 g/10 min 200.0 to  
09-09 (R) PP Used Hangers  
09-09 (O) PP prW PP/Alu regrind (Al (15-20%) + PP (80-85%)) 30.0 to 0.49 €  
09-09 (O) PP Rec Pel PP granules Kartonplast sheets - MFI 2-3 black 22.0 to 0.79 €  
09-09 (O) PP Vir Pel PP Original Purell HP 372 P natural 1.0 to  
09-09 (O) PP prW Reg PP regrind black 21.0 to