Current entries in the material exchange

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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 37
1 to 37
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS Regranulat Grau grey 23.0 to  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS Regranulat Schwarz Anthrazit black 23.0 to  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS Regranulat Weiss white 23.0 to  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS repro pellets grey grey 25.0 to  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS repro pellets green green 25.0 to  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS granulated black - high quality black 13.0 to 1.20 €  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS recycled granules in black black 40.0 to  
02-17 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HIPS recycled granules in grey grey 40.0 to  
02-17 (R) HIPS prW oth HIPS-Trays wanted 20.0 to  
02-12 (O) HIPS oth Pel HIPS Regranulat, weiß (ähnl. RAL 9003) white 22.0 to 1.22 €  
02-11 (O) HIPS PIR Pel HIPS recycled, MFI 3 - 7 black black 48.0 to 0.75 €  
02-11 (O) HIPS Rec Pel PS available Black, Grey, White black 24.0 to 0.85 €  
02-11 (O) HIPS Rec Pel HUREPRO PS 6001 regranulate, black black 24.0 to  
02-10 (R) HIPS Bls HIPS 200.0 to  
02-10 (O) HIPS Rec Reg HIPS regrind mixed colours grey 22.0 to 0.63 €  
02-10 (O) HIPS Rec Reg HIPS regrind from WEEE 24.0 to 0.55 €  
02-10 (O) HIPS Rec Reg PS fridges after full process clear 24.0 to 0.65 €  
02-06 (O) HIPS prW Pel HIPS black 24.0 to  
02-06 (O) HIPS PIR Pel HIPS white 24.0 to  
02-06 (O) HIPS PIR Pel HIPS black 24.0 to  
02-04 (R) HIPS prW Reg Looking for HIPS Extrusion 40.0 to  
02-03 (R) HIPS prW Reg HIPS MFR 2-6 EX thermofoming mahlgut white 6.0 to  
02-03 (O) HIPS Reg HIPS KRASTEN 552 coloured 5.0 to 1.50 €  
02-03 (O) HIPS HIPS KRASTEN 552 coloured 5.0 to 0.90 €  
02-03 (R) HIPS HIPS white extrusion grade regrind  
01-28 (O) HIPS Rec Reg HI PS - White Regrind 12mm white 24.0 to 0.60 €  
01-27 (O) HIPS prW Pel HIPS BLACK black 48.0 to 0.85 €  
01-27 (O) HIPS prW Pel HIPS GRAY grey 48.0 to 0.90 €  
01-23 (R) HIPS prW Bls wir suchen LF Trays 20.0 to  
01-23 (R) HIPS Bls HIPS Trays oder aus der Tiefzieh Produktion  
01-23 (O) HIPS PIR Pel PS regranulate, injection molding HI, black black 2.4 to  
01-23 (O) HIPS PIR Reg PS regrind, injection molding HI, coloured coloured 2.6 to  
01-23 (O) HIPS PIR Reg PS regrind, extrusion HI ex thermoforming film blister, natural transparent 0.1 to  
01-23 (O) HIPS PIR Reg PS regrind extrusion, HI ex thermoforming film blister, black black 8.5 to  
01-23 (O) HIPS PIR Reg PS regrind extrusion, HI ex thermoforming film blister, coloured coloured 14.4 to  
01-20 (O) HIPS PIR Reg Mahlgut ex Automotive black 7.2 to 0.75 €