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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 81
51 to 81
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
07-01 (R) PBT prW Plastic Injection Parts with Metal wanted  
06-27 (O) PBT Vir Pel Valox DR51 7001 black 0.3 to 5.39 €  
06-27 (O) PBT Vir Pel Pocan B3235 natur natural 0.5 to 4.49 €  
06-27 (O) PBT Vir Pel Crastin SK605 BK851 black 1.0 to 4.29 €  
06-27 (O) PBT Vir Pel Crastin SK645FR NC010 natural 0.4 to 7.69 €  
06-27 (O) PBT Vir Pel Crastin SK643FR NC010 natural 1.0 to 7.20 €  
06-25 (O) PBT Vir Pel Ultradur B4300 G6 SW Q16 schwarz 15007 black 1.0 to  
06-25 (O) PBT Vir Pel Ultradur B4450 G5 HR LS schwarz 15125 black 0.0 to  
06-25 (O) PBT Vir Pel Valox 325F natur natural 0.5 to  
06-25 (O) PBT Vir Pel Celanex 2300 GV1/20 schwarz 10/0242 black 1.0 to  
06-25 (O) PBT Vir Pel Crastin S620 F20 natur NC010 natural 2.0 to  
06-25 (O) PBT PIR Reg PBT GF30 BLACK REGRIND black 20.0 to 0.50 €  
06-25 (O) PBT prW PBT-GF coloured 50.0 to  
06-24 (O) PBT prW Reg BASF Ultradur B4520 Mahlgut Schwarz black 1.4 to  
06-24 (O) PBT PBT GF15/GK15 Schwarz 1.3 to  
06-24 (O) PBT Vir Pel Crastin® SC169 NC010 natural 4.0 to  
06-23 (O) PBT Rec Reg PBT GF15% mixed color, regrind ex Crastin SK602 coloured 10.2 to  
06-21 (O) PBT Rec Reg PBT GB30 (30 % glass beads) post industrial regrind // Ultradur B 4300 K6 black 35.0 to 0.70 €  
06-21 (O) PBT Rec Reg PBT GF30 (30% glass filled)post industrial regrind // Ultradur B 4300 G6 LS BK15073 black 14.0 to 0.70 €  
06-21 (O) PBT PIR Reg PBT natural regrind. post industrial natural 20.0 to 1.35 €  
06-21 (R) PBT PBT  
06-20 (O) PBT PBT regrind with & without GF 30.0 to 0.60 €  
06-20 (O) PBT prW Reg PBTGF regrind colour mix coloured 22.0 to  
06-20 (O) PBT prW Reg PBT Ultradur B 4300 K4 coloured 24.0 to  
06-18 (O) PBT PBT GF 24.0 to  
06-18 (R) PBT Rec Reg Mahlgut - natur natural 10.0 to  
06-18 (O) PBT Vir ULTRADUR B 4500 NATUR natural 1.0 to  
06-18 (O) PBT pcW Reg .. black 1.3 to 0.65 €  
06-18 (O) PBT prW Reg PBT black 1.2 to 0.80 €  
06-17 (O) PBT prW Reg PBT Pocan and Ultradur industrial regrind grey 21.0 to 0.35 €  
06-17 (O) PBT Rec Pel PBT weiß white 1.2 to