Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 194
51 to 100
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
07-08 (R) PC prW Bls Suchen Makrolon/Lexan Produktionsabälle clear 10.0 to  
07-08 (O) PC Vir Pel Lexan 2014 R white 0.2 to 3.50 €  
07-08 (R) PC prW Suche laufend LEXAN F 6000  
07-08 (O) PC Rec Reg ex Makrolon 9415 hellbunt coloured 0.3 to  
07-08 (O) PC prW Bls suchen laufend Polycarbonat Reste others 5.0 to  
07-08 (R) PC prW Europlex F4 / F7 Plattenreste gesucht clear  
07-08 (R) PC prW Suche laufend Europlex F3/F6 Plattenreste, kontinuierliche Abnahme  
07-08 (O) PC prW Reg Mahlgut ex lackierte Teile PC coloured 23.0 to  
07-08 (R) PC prW Reg PC+GF regrind wanted 20.0 to  
07-07 (R) PC prW Reg Suche PC Mahlgut black  
07-06 (O) PC Sur Pel PC GF10 schwarz black 0.1 to 1.90 €  
07-05 (O) PC Reg PC/GF10-20 Grau grey 15.0 to  
07-05 (R) PC Rec Reg PC Mahlgut Extrusion 24.0 to  
07-05 (R) PC prW PC Platten Gesucht!!! 24.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC PIR Reg PC grey regrind post industrial recycled grey 20.0 to 0.97 €  
07-04 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind extrusion colorless ex solid sheets - about 500 tons yearly transparent 500.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind extrusion colored for black ex solid sheets - about 250 tons yearly black 250.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind extrusion colored ex hollowsheets - about 100 tons yearly coloured 100.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind extrusion opal ex hollowsheets - about 100 tons yearly natural 100.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC prW PC offcuts extrusion colored - about 100 tons yearly coloured 100.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC prW PC offcuts extrusion transparent - about 100 tons yearly transparent 100.0 to  
07-04 (O) PC Reg PC Mahlgut bunt coloured 16.0 to  
07-04 (R) PC prW MIX LUMPS PC, PC/ABS and others coloured 0.10 €  
07-03 (R) PC PC Schokoformen  
07-03 (O) PC Vir Pel PC V0 ®Lexan ML6411 GY4C069/grau/grey RAL 7045, Octabin (art.0535) grey 0.3 to 1.75 €  
07-03 (O) PC Vir Pel PC V0 ®Samsung Lotte Infino FS1152 natur/natural, MFR 10, 25kg Sack/Bag, WPZ(art.0554) natural 3.0 to 2.90 €  
07-03 (O) PC Vir Pel PC GF10 V0 ® Lexan 2814 schwarz 739/black, 25kg Sack/Bag (art.0583) black 0.5 to 3.95 €  
07-03 (O) PC prW Reg PC Mahlgut ex Makrolon 9425 grey 7.3 to 0.70 €  
07-03 (O) PC prW Reg PC Lexan Exell D waterclear regrind clear 5.0 to  
07-03 (R) PC prW PC Extrusion waste  
07-02 (R) PC pcW oth PC Platten others 50.0 to  
07-02 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2407 schwarz 901510 black 5.0 to  
07-02 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2405 schwarz 901510 black 5.0 to  
07-02 (O) PC prW Reg PC - Mahlgut ex. Makrolon 2405/2205 schwarz black 0.4 to  
07-02 (O) PC prW Reg Mahlgut PC GF20 VO/FR schwarz, ex Lexan 3412R black 5.0 to 1.00 €  
07-01 (O) PC oth Reg PC GF50 FR coloured 1.0 to 0.77 €  
07-01 (O) PC Reg PC Ex-Alcom 740 / 4 UV Weiss WT 1220-05LD coloured 0.9 to 1.10 €  
07-01 (O) PC oth oth PC Batzen coloured 1.4 to 0.15 €  
07-01 (O) PC Rec Reg PC extrusion, weiß white 3.0 to  
07-01 (R) PC prW PC Doppelstägplatten coloured  
07-01 (R) PC prW oth PC Bunt 7.0 to  
07-01 (O) PC Sur Pel Apec clear 1.0 to  
07-01 (O) PC prW Reg PC black 9.0 to  
07-01 (O) PC Reg PC Stegplatten Transparent transparent  
07-01 (O) PC PIR Pel PC Makrolon natural 75.0 to 0.95 €  
07-01 (O) PC Rec SO PC MIX Sonstige 30.0 to 1.20 €