Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 24
1 to 24
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) PET-G prW GPET plattenware natural 31.0 to 0.05 €  
09-17 (O) PET-G Rec Reg transparent transparent 4.0 to 0.70 €  
09-16 (O) PET-G Reg PET-G regrind coloured  
09-11 (O) PET-G Vir SO PETG Sheet Rolls in Original Packaging clear 38.1 to  
09-10 (R) PET-G Reg PET-G Mahlgut ex Easter 6763 blue 24.0 to  
09-09 (O) PET-G Rec Reg PET G color mix regrind - SKYGREEN K2012, Spectar 14471 coloured 100.0 to 0.59 €  
09-08 (O) PET-G prW Reg PET-G transparent 16.0 to  
09-05 (O) PET-G Rec Reg PET-G regrind extrusion transparent (ex solid sheets) - about 250 tons yearly transparent 250.0 to  
09-05 (O) PET-G Rec Reg PET-G regrind extrusion light colored (ex solid sheets) - about 250 tons yearly coloured 250.0 to  
09-05 (O) PET-G prW oth PET-G offcuts extrusion transparent - about 100 tons yearly transparent 100.0 to  
09-05 (O) PET-G Reg PETG TF coloured  
09-01 (O) PET-G pcW Reg PET G Transparent transparent 1.2 to 0.65 €  
08-29 (O) PET-G PET-G regrind light blue 23.0 to  
08-29 (O) PET-G prW Reg PET mixed with PETG. Post production regrind clear 2.0 to 0.00 €  
08-27 (R) PET-G prW G-PET Post Produktion gesucht 100.0 to  
08-26 (O) PET-G prW Reg PET-G Mahlgut hellblau/transparent ex Eastar 6763 blue 23.0 to  
08-26 (R) PET-G Rec Reg PET-G regrind transparent clear transparent 100.0 to  
08-26 (R) PET-G prW PET-G regrind/ offcuts/ sheets - colored or transparent coloured 24.0 to  
08-23 (O) PET-G Sur Reg PET Mahlgut coloured 20.0 to 0.05 €  
08-22 (O) PET-G Vir Pel Eastman Cristal™M 400 Copolymer clear 2.5 to 1.15 €  
08-21 (O) PET-G Rec Reg PET Fine Regrind. amber 22.0 to  
08-20 (O) PET-G prW Reg PET G regrind coloured 24.0 to  
08-18 (O) PET-G Rec Reg PET-G Copo regrind blue-transparent, ex Eastar 6763 transparent 20.0 to