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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
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prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 123
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 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
07-26 (R) POM prW Pow Benötigt: POM (Polyoxymethylen) Mahlgut/Chips 100.0 to  
07-26 (O) POM PIR Reg POM - NATURAL - HOSTAFORM natural 16.0 to  
07-26 (O) POM Vir Pel Hostaform C9021 XAP2 schwarz 14 Typware black 0.5 to 2.99 €  
07-25 (O) POM prW Reg POM - Mahlgut ex. Hostaform C9021 schwarz black 0.1 to  
07-25 (O) POM prW Reg POM - Mahlgut ex. Delrin 100ST natur natural 1.6 to  
07-25 (O) POM prW Reg POM - Mahlgut ex. Delrin 500 AF schwarz black 0.2 to  
07-25 (O) POM prW Reg POM - Mahlgut ex. Hostaform C13031 schwarz black 0.1 to  
07-25 (O) POM prW Reg POM - Mahlgut ex. Hostaform S27072 schwarz black 0.5 to  
07-25 (R) POM prW Reg POM regind wanted 100.0 to  
07-25 (R) POM Pom required 25.0 to  
07-24 (R) POM Pom required 235.0 to  
07-23 (O) POM Vir Pel Hostaform C13021 schwarz 14 black 0.1 to 3.99 €  
07-23 (O) POM Sur Pel POM GF10 Hostaform XGC10 XAP schwarz black 0.5 to 2.65 €  
07-23 (O) POM Sur Pel GK20 ex Hostaform C9021 GV3/20 schwarz black 1.3 to 1.95 €  
07-23 (O) POM Sur Pel ex Hostaform C9021 XAP2 schwarz black 2.1 to 1.98 €  
07-23 (O) POM Rec Pel ex Delrin 500P natur Regranulat natural 0.6 to 2.65 €  
07-22 (O) POM Rec Pel Tenac 4013A black regranulate black 6.5 to  
07-22 (O) POM prW Reg Hostaform C9021 GV1/30 POM GF30 black, regrind black 6.9 to  
07-22 (R) POM prW Pow Benötigt: POM (Polyoxymethylen) Mahlgut/Chips 50.0 to  
07-22 (O) POM prW Reg Ultraform N2720 M210 regrind black black 0.6 to  
07-22 (O) POM Rec Pel Hostaform C9021 GV1/30 black regranulate black 5.0 to  
07-22 (R) POM POM semi finished/sheets/offcuts  
07-22 (O) POM pcW Reg POM regrind black black 3.0 to  
07-22 (O) POM prW Reg regrind Hostaform C9021 coloured 6.0 to 0.83 €  
07-19 (O) POM Vir Pel Gescomplast black 1.1 to  
07-19 (O) POM Vir Pel Celanese Hostaform C9021 GV1/30 14 black 0.4 to  
07-17 (R) POM prW Reg Copo - MFR 6-10 coloured 22.0 to  
07-17 (O) POM prW Reg POM HOSTAFORM C 9021 XAP2LS natural natural 7.0 to 1.40 €  
07-17 (O) POM prW Reg POM regrind coloured coloured 10.0 to  
07-17 (O) POM Sur Pel C9021 GV3/20 schwarz 14 black 4.2 to 2.85 €  
07-16 (O) POM prW Reg POM Hostaform C9021 natur regrind natural 20.0 to 1.40 €  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Delrin 311DP, POM-Homo regranulate black black 0.7 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Delrin 311DP, POM-Homo regrind coloured coloured 0.8 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Delrin 100P, POM-Homo regranulate black black 0.1 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Delrin 100P, POM-Homo regrind coloured coloured 0.2 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Hostaform C 9021, POM-Copo regranulate nature natural 0.3 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Hostaform C 9021, POM-Copo regrind nature natural 0.4 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Hostaform C 9021, POM-Copo regranulate black black 1.5 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Hostaform C 9021, POM-Copo regrind coloured coloured 1.7 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Hostaform C 27021, POM Copo regranulate black black 0.3 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Hostaform C 27021, POM Copo regrind coloured coloured 0.3 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Hostaform C 13021, POM-Copo regranulate natural natural 0.8 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Hostaform C 13021, POM-Copo regrind natural natural 0.9 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Hostaform C 13021, POM-Copo regranulate black black 3.5 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Hostaform C 13021, POM-Copo regrind coloured coloured 3.7 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Heraform R900, POM-Copo regranulate black coloured 0.1 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Heraform R900, POM-Copo regrind coloured coloured 0.1 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Duracon M90-44, POM-Copo regrind black natural 14.0 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Pel Duracon M90-44, POM-Copo regranulate black black 0.4 to  
07-16 (O) POM PIR Reg Duracon M90-44, POM-Copo regrind coloured natural 0.5 to