Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 325
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 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) PP pcW Reg PP regrind, twinsheets/plastkarton Sonstige 30.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP pcW Pel PP/ABS/PS/PC we offer different color recycled regranulates Sonstige  
09-17 (O) PP prW Reg PP automotive black 10.0 to  
09-17 (O) PP PP automotive 15  
09-17 (O) PP PP regranulat  
09-17 (O) PP Rec Pel PP, GF 30, Compound black 20.0 to 1.80 €  
09-17 (O) PP Rec Pel PP, GF 20, Compound black 20.0 to 1.80 €  
09-17 (O) PP Rec Reg PP ex pipes / plates grey 10.0 to 0.60 €  
09-17 (O) PP Rec Reg PP 6, ex Borealis® PP BE 60, highly molecular, extrusion quality, grey RAL 7032; price on demand grey 10.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP prW oth Non-Woven rolls others 45.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP PP R-PELLET  
09-16 (R) PP PIR Reg regrinded PP transparent transparent 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP pcW Bls PP CUPS, BUCKETS BALES SCRAP/WASTE. Sonstige 50.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP pcW Bls PP-Bigbags Sonstige 50.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP PP from Air Con case 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP PP from Batteries  
09-16 (O) PP prW Pel PP ReGranules MFI 4-6 absolutely clean white 20.0 to 0.97 €  
09-16 (O) PP Bls PP Big Bags in balen  
09-16 (R) PP PP  
09-16 (O) PP Reg PP/PE black regrind black 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP Reg PP regrind black black 20.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Pel PP grey regranulate - injection type 1.5 to  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Pel PP black injection grade black 40.0 to  
09-16 (R) PP PP, PP/EPDM, PP TD, PP GF, PP Nonwoven, PP foils  
09-16 (O) PP Vir Bls PP others 100.0 to  
09-16 (R) PP pcW Bls PP big bags white 80.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Pel I sell PP pellets blue MFI 5-6 blue 40.0 to  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Reg PP regrind - mix color 24.0 to 0.75 €  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Pel PP regranulate - black 24.0 to 0.90 €  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Pel PP regranulate - white white 15.0 to 0.90 €  
09-16 (O) PP Rec PP rolls - printed 300.0 to 0.30 €  
09-16 (O) PP Rec Pel PP/PE Regranulat 13 100.0 to  
09-16 (R) PP We buy PP lumps, purge/ waste/ film 200.0 to  
09-15 (O) PP PP REGRANULATE BLACK SALES!!! 200.0 to 0.55 €  
09-15 (O) PP PP BUMPERS 100.0 to  
09-14 (O) PP PP virgin pouder MFR to approx 40 natural 240.0 to 0.77 €  
09-13 (R) PP Agl Looking for recycled PP agglomerate or regrind, any colour  
09-13 (O) PP prW Reg PP regrind white with Aluminium white 66.0 to  
09-13 (O) PP Rec Pel 100% pp regranulate black 100.0 to 1.10 €  
09-13 (O) PP prW Reg PP ex.trays green 4.0 to 0.45 €  
09-13 (O) PP prW Reg Regrind PP blue blue 24.0 to  
09-13 (O) PP PP flakes coloured 40.0 to 0.27 €  
09-13 (R) PP prW Reg PP Mahlbunt Bunt für schwarz ungefüllt others  
09-12 (R) PP Reg PP Mahlgut 44.0 to  
09-12 (O) PP PIR Reg regrinded PP natural 12.0 to  
09-12 (O) PP PCR Reg PP LF/ESD Mahlgut schwarz ex Ladungsträger black 110.0 to  
09-12 (R) PP oth PP hellblau/ lichtblau Kisten und/oder Deckel blue  
09-12 (O) PP oth Reg PP FR coloured 2.7 to 0.45 €