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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 40
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 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-17 (O) PP-Homo Rec Reg MFI 3 coloured 150.0 to 0.80 €  
09-12 (O) PP-Homo Rec Pel PP Regranulat Grau Homo mfi 50 grey 48.0 to  
09-12 (R) PP-Homo prW Reg PP Mahlgut Natur white 100.0 to  
09-12 (R) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Granulat Natur natural 100.0 to  
09-12 (O) PP-Homo Rec Pel PP-homo color mix MFi 25-28 coloured  
09-12 (O) PP-Homo Sur Pel Total PPH 5000 OG MFI 6,8 natural 12.0 to 1.02 €  
09-10 (O) PP-Homo PIR Pel PP-homo light grey with MFI 4-5 grey 23.0 to  
09-10 (O) PP-Homo PIR Pel PP-homo white with MFI 4-5 white 23.0 to  
09-09 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel LB Moplen HP500N natural 1.4 to  
09-09 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Borealis HG313MO natural 1.4 to  
09-09 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Total PPH 9020 natural 0.0 to 1.90 €  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Borflow HL508FB natur natural 10.6 to  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP H1500 natur natural 17.0 to  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Borflow HL508FB natur natural 10.6 to  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel PreProp TV20 /A/117 schwarz black 0.8 to  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Sur Pel PreProp /F/225 weiss white 0.6 to  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Domolen PPHT20UV1 901 BK schwarz black 0.3 to  
09-05 (O) PP-Homo Sur Cpd PP-Homo, 1a-Compound, schwarz, MFI 25 black 5.0 to  
09-05 (R) PP-Homo Rec Pel PP HOMO unreinforced Industrial-Quality wanted black 20.0 to  
09-04 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Granulat NATUR Homo mfi 32 natural 100.0 to  
09-03 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Homo Granulat Witcom PP-H 4G-EM.HS schwarz Restposten Originalware black 0.1 to 0.65 €  
09-03 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel HD850MO PPH granulate nature NTP natural 36.9 to  
09-02 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Total Polypropylene PP H 4069 natur natural 1.0 to 0.80 €  
09-02 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Moplen HP561X  
09-02 (O) PP-Homo DuPure T 76 5.0 to  
08-30 (O) PP-Homo Sur Pel PP Homo Nt Ware ex Total mfr 25 natural 6.9 to 1.28 €  
08-29 (R) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Homo ExxonMobil PP1013H1 natural 1.4 to 2.00 €  
08-29 (R) PP-Homo Rec Pel PP Regranulat WEISS Homo mfi 3-15 white 48.0 to  
08-26 (R) PP-Homo PIR Pel PP-H Regranulat weiss MFI 4-8 white 22.0 to  
08-26 (R) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Homo ExxonMobil PP1013H1 natural 24.0 to 2.00 €  
08-26 (O) PP-Homo PIR Reg PP homo Mahlgut mfi 0,3 white 24.0 to 0.62 €  
08-22 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Sabic FPH50 natur 00900 natural 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Isplen PP080G2M natur natural 0.2 to  
08-22 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Moplen HP548R natur natural 0.1 to  
08-22 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Total PPH 7062 natur natural 1.0 to  
08-22 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel Tatren HG1007 natur (PP Homo) natural 0.3 to  
08-22 (O) PP-Homo Rec Pel Regranulat PP homo grey 40.0 to 0.79 €  
08-21 (O) PP-Homo Vir Pel PP Granulat NATUR Homo mfi 3,5 natural 100.0 to  
08-19 (O) PP-Homo prW PPH Folie natur/milchig transparent 16.0 to 0.57 €  
08-19 (O) PP-Homo Sur Pel Purell HP372P weiß und HP373P weiß (ähnl. RAL 9003) white 2.6 to