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Selected entries: 31
1 to 31
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
03-26 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel Hostacom TRC 364N schwarz C12594 black 0.1 to  
03-26 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel Hostacom M2 N01 natur natural 1.4 to  
03-25 (O) PP-TV prW Reg PP - Mahlgut ex. Exxtral BMU 146E TV16 schwarz black 0.1 to  
03-25 (O) PP-TV prW Reg PP - Mahlgut ex. Innopol CS-1-5140 TV 40 schwarz black 0.0 to  
03-24 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP TV 23®Total Finalloy EBO-823/9C16 schwarz/black, MFR 18, Oct.(art.0181) black 0.6 to 1.90 €  
03-24 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP TV 12®Hostacom TRC 2179N schwarz C12334/black, MFR20, Oct(art.0165) black 1.1 to 2.00 €  
03-24 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP TV10% + UV schwarz RAU EMPP 5211 Automotive black 4.0 to 2.79 €  
03-24 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP comp. Sabic 2606 anthrazit 20188 2.0 to 2.65 €  
03-24 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP Borealis MD441U schwarz 8229 OVP NEUWARE black 8.3 to 1.42 €  
03-24 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP TV20 Marfil CR XT 4344 schwarz black 7.0 to 1.03 €  
03-20 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel Hostacom X 4305 LS 71 grey 0.2 to 1.00 €  
03-17 (O) PP-TV PP-TV Folie auf Rollen  
03-17 (O) PP-TV Rec Pel PP-TV Regenerat,schwarz,TV Anteil ca.25%,PE Anteil ca.10% black 22.0 to  
03-17 (O) PP-TV PIR Pel Regranulat PP homo, TV20 schwarz, ex Hostacom M2 N01 black 4.7 to 0.80 €  
03-17 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel Originalware PP TV20 Talcoprene 1520 TL1 ALP natur natural 0.6 to  
03-14 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel Estaprop 1260 T8 K nature natural 1.0 to  
03-14 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel Estaprop 2040 T8 T H UV nature natural 0.8 to  
03-11 (R) PP-TV Rec Reg Looking for: PP TV 15 MFI above 15  
03-10 (O) PP-TV POLIFOR 12 CA/40 HD WHITE white 5.0 to 0.60 €  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Pel Polyfort FTT 22 T K1093, ca. 5% TPE (TV22), PP-Homo regranulate, black black 0.4 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Reg Polyfort FTT 22 T K1093, ca. 5% TPE (TV22), PP-Homo regrind black black 0.5 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Reg Hostacom X M2 U34 (TV22), PP-Homo regrind black black 1.2 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Pel Hostacom X M2 U34 (TV22), PP-Homo regranulate black black 4.6 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Reg Hostacom X M2 U34 (TV22), PP-Homo regrind coloured coloured 2.9 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Pel Borealis MSC65T20 (TV20), PP-Copo regranulate black black 1.6 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Reg Borealis MSC65T20 (TV20), PP-Copo regrind coloured coloured 1.8 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Reg PP regrind, injection molding TV20, coloured coloured 0.7 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Pel Giplene DXT54/V0XS (TV20,FR, PP regranulate black black 0.3 to  
03-07 (O) PP-TV PIR Reg Giplene DXT54/V0XS (TV20,FR, PP regrind coloured coloured 0.3 to  
03-03 (O) PP-TV Vir Pel PP TV 40®Hostacom M4 N01 102943 schwarz/black,25 kg S/Bag WPZ.(art.0270) black 0.3 to 2.25 €  
02-26 (O) PP-TV prW Reg PP/PE TV 60 white 24.0 to 0.27 €