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Vir=Virgin material
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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 4044
501 to 550
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
08-29 (R) others Kunstrasen in Rollen abgelehnt / Abfall 50.0 to  
08-29 (R) others artificial leather car seat remnant 25.0 to  
08-29 (R) PMMA WE BUY PMMA, PC, ABS, PA6, PA66, POM, PC-ABS 75.0 to  
08-29 (R) PE/PA benötigte Pe / Pa-Rollen, Farbe mischen, Farbe weniger 50.0 to  
08-29 (R) PC PC-Produktionsabfall - Farbe mischen 50.0 to  
08-29 (R) PMMA PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylat) Regranulat / Mahlgut 22.0 to  
08-29 (R) PA 6.6 PA66 Nylon-Schrott / Airbag-Schrott (beschichtet / unbeschichtet) 215.0 to  
08-29 (R) PE-HD HDPE-Schrotttrommeln 100.0 to  
08-29 (R) PE Rec Pel LDPE straw, translucent amber 50.0 to  
08-29 (R) TPE oth SO TPE Sonstige 20.0 to  
08-29 (O) POM Vir Pel Luvocom 80TF22 natur POM/PTFE natural 2.5 to 5.90 €  
08-29 (R) PP-Homo Rec Pel PP Regranulat WEISS Homo mfi 3-15 white 48.0 to  
08-29 (O) POM Vir Pel POM C2700 schwarz Typware black 4.5 to  
08-29 (O) PS/Alu prW Reg PS Flakes white 20.0 to 0.36 €  
08-29 (O) POM Vir Pel POM C1300 MFI 13 Typware natural 5.5 to 1.60 €  
08-29 (O) LCP Reg LCP ex Vectra E531i black 13.0 to  
08-29 (O) PMMA Reg PMMA-HT ex Plexiglas FT15 clear 10.0 to 1.00 €  
08-29 (O) PPA Reg PPA ex Amodel AS-1566-HS GV+MV 65% grey 7.5 to  
08-29 (O) TPU Reg TPU Ether Mahlgut aus Anfahrware mit Glasfaser ca. 20-30% natur-schwarz gemischt 8.0 to 2.00 €  
08-29 (O) PC/PBT Reg PBT/PC ex Xenoy CL100 B Mahlgut graphit grey 10.0 to  
08-29 (O) PP Vir Pel PP Hostacom M2 NO1 (TV 20 %) natural 1.9 to  
08-29 (O) PBT/PET Vir Pel PBT+PET GF 45 Pocan T7391 black 4.3 to  
08-29 (O) TPU Reg TPU Esther Mahlgut aus Anfahrware mit Glasfaser ca. 20-30% natur-schwarz gemischt 7.5 to 2.00 €  
08-29 (O) PET prW Bls PET Bottles Clear and Light Blue in bales  
08-29 (O) PET prW Bls PET Bottles Bales 117.0 to  
08-29 (O) PET prW Reg PET Clear Regrind clear  
08-29 (O) PA 6 prW Reg PA 6 Regrinds black 50.0 to  
08-29 (O) PVC PIR SO PVC Shredded  
08-29 (O) PVC prW Reg PVC Pipe Regrind grey 50.0 to  
08-29 (O) ABS prW Reg ex Spritzguss bunt für schwarz coloured 20.0 to 0.70 €  
08-29 (O) PET prW SO PET Clear Purge clear  
08-29 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 6485 black 901510 black 2.4 to  
08-29 (O) PVC prW SO PVC Pipe Crushed Grey Colour grey  
08-29 (O) PA 12 Rec Reg PA 12 schwarz black 1.1 to  
08-29 (R) PE-HD pcW HDPE Öltanks natur 100.0 to  
08-29 (O) PA 12 Rec Reg PA 12 transparent transparent 1.5 to  
08-29 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS Extrusion black 7.0 to  
08-29 (R) PE-HD prW HDPE Rohre 100.0 to  
08-29 (O) PA 4.6 Rec Reg PA 4.6. GF 30 schwarz black 3.0 to  
08-29 (O) PPS Rec Reg PPS GF/MD 65 schwarz Mahlgut black 4.1 to  
08-29 (O) PA 6.6 Rec Reg PA 6.6. FR schwarz Mahlgut black 5.0 to  
08-29 (O) ABS prW Reg ex Rotec 1001 TR coloured 5.0 to  
08-29 (O) SAN Rec Reg SAN bunt coloured 8.0 to  
08-29 (O) PUR Rec Reg PUR schwarz Mahlgut black 12.0 to  
08-29 (O) PPS Sur Pel PPS GF/MD 60 schwarz Neuware black 6.5 to 3.50 €  
08-29 (O) PPA Rec Reg PPA GF 33 schwarz Mahlgut black 2.0 to  
08-29 (O) PMMA Rec Reg PMMA glasklar Mahlgut clear 5.0 to  
08-29 (O) PMMA Vir Pel PMMA glasklar Neuware clear 0.2 to  
08-29 (O) PEEK Rec Pel PEEK GF 30 schwarz Regranulat black 0.3 to  
08-29 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS GF 10 schwarz Recompound black 4.0 to 1.45 €