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Vir=Virgin material
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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 4080
1151 to 1200
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
08-27 (O) PP Pel PP Compounds 20.0 to  
08-27 (O) PP-TV Pel PP Compounds 20.0 to  
08-27 (O) ABS Rec Pel ABS black IQ regranulat black 20.0 to  
08-27 (O) PP-Copo Rec Pel PP-COPO Regranulate black Industrial-Quality black 20.0 to  
08-27 (O) PP-Copo Rec Pel PP-COPO black Industrial-Quality (ex KLT) black 20.0 to  
08-27 (O) PVC-h PVC-H Mahlgut 25.0 to  
08-27 (R) PE Rec Looking for Recycled PE80 & PE100  
08-27 (O) PE-HD prW Reg PE+25% aluminium from heating tubes regrind grey 100.0 to 0.26 €  
08-27 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS regrind injection coloured 16.0 to  
08-27 (O) PC/PETG prW Reg PCTG/PET-G transparent 4.5 to  
08-27 (O) PE-HD pcW HDPE Öltanks, IBC 100.0 to  
08-27 (R) others Produktionsabfälle..  
08-27 (O) others Kydex 35.0 to  
08-27 (O) PPA Vir Pel PA6T/XT GF 35 HSLR, black BK 420 black 6.1 to 2.80 €  
08-27 (O) ASA Vir Luran S 778T SPF30 BK36497 black 1.0 to  
08-27 (R) TPE prW Reg Wanted - TPE 10.0 to  
08-27 (R) PE prW Wanted - PE injection type with MFI >6 100.0 to  
08-27 (O) HIPS prW Pel HIPS BLACK black 56.0 to 0.85 €  
08-27 (R) ABS NEEDED WEEE ⚠️ 100.0 to  
08-27 (O) PC prW Reg PC GF 5 % REGRIND grey 20.0 to  
08-27 (O) HIPS prW Pel HIPS WHITE REGRANULATE white 13.0 to  
08-27 (O) ABS Vir Pel ABS KINGFA KF-730 natural 24.0 to  
08-27 (O) PP prW Pel PP BLACK REGRANULATE black 50.0 to  
08-27 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS REGRIND from FURNITURE🔝 24.0 to 0.75 €  
08-27 (R) SAN Vir Pel SAN KUMHO 310TR transparent  
08-27 (O) SAN Vir Pel SAN transparent NF2200 transparent 3.0 to  
08-27 (O) PP Vir Pel PP K8003 natural 21.0 to  
08-27 (O) ABS prW Pel ABS REGRANULATE LIGHT GRAY grey 16.0 to  
08-27 (R) others prW BUY CHROME PLASTIC 100.0 to  
08-27 (O) ABS prW Pel ABS regranulate black black 120.0 to  
08-27 (O) PC/ABS prW Pel PC/ABS REGRANULATE WHITE 16.0 to  
08-27 (O) PC Vir Pel PC transparent GANNING 3010 transparent 24.0 to  
08-27 (O) PA Vir Pel PA 6 J2700 natural 1.2 to  
08-27 (R) PS Rec Pel SEARCH GPPS REGRANULATE TRANSPARENT transparent 5.0 to  
08-27 (R) ABS prW ABS WHITE - BUY  
08-27 (O) ABS Vir Pel ABS POLYLAC® PA-757 natural 17.0 to  
08-27 (O) ABS Vir Pel ABS ZPC ZA0210 natural 48.0 to 1.50 €  
08-27 (O) PC/ABS prW Pel PC/ABS REGRANULATE BLACK black 26.0 to 1.20 €  
08-26 (O) POM Vir Cpd POM C Hostaform C9021 Nat natural 45.0 to 1.95 €  
08-26 (O) PE-HD Rec Pel HDPE pellets - extrusion black 60.0 to  
08-26 (O) PE-HD Rec Reg HDPE regrind - extrusion black 60.0 to  
08-26 (O) EPS prW oth Dalmatiner Styropor others 10.0 to  
08-26 (O) PC Vir Pel PC MAKROLON 2805 natural 24.0 to 2.60 €  
08-26 (O) ABS Vir Pel ABS GP-22 natural 40.0 to 1.90 €  
08-26 (R) PA 12 Grilamid L20/L25 schwarz öder Ähnlich 10.0 to  
08-26 (O) PA 6.6 Reg PA6.6 Mahlgut Bunt GF/FR 100.0 to  
08-26 (O) PA 6 Reg PA6 Mahlgut Bunt GF/FR 100.0 to  
08-26 (R) PP-Homo PIR Pel PP-H Regranulat weiss MFI 4-8 white 22.0 to  
08-26 (O) PET prW Reg PET Mahlgut 20.0 to