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Vir=Virgin material
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PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 4119
2101 to 2150
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
09-13 (O) POM Vir Pel KEPITAL FG2020L LOF BK black 12.5 to 1.90 €  
09-13 (O) PBT Vir Pel PBT-GF20 Pocan B3225 000000 (natural) natural 0.5 to 2.00 €  
09-13 (O) EPS we have some EPS beads to offer 100.0 to  
09-13 (R) PE/PA prW Bls PE/PA clean films transparent 300.0 to  
09-13 (O) PP PP flakes coloured 40.0 to 0.27 €  
09-13 (O) PE-HD HDPE bottles caps regrind coloured 50.0 to 0.45 €  
09-13 (R) PP-TV prW Reg PP TV 10-30 others  
09-13 (R) PP prW Reg PP Mahlbunt Bunt für schwarz ungefüllt others  
09-13 (O) PET Pel Eco R-Pet CL 80 // 20to 20.0 to 0.95 €  
09-13 (O) PA 6 Rec Cpd PA 6 pellets black, unfilled black 5.0 to 2.45 €  
09-13 (O) PC Rec Pel PC Compound black, MFI 25 black 10.0 to 1.69 €  
09-13 (O) PA 12 prW Reg PA 12 regrind dark mixed colours GF 25% black 8.1 to 0.79 €  
09-13 (O) PC prW Reg PC CD fines, powder regrind originated from recycling 9.8 to 1.20 €  
09-13 (O) PE-HD Rec Cpd HD-PE repro pellets black MFI 6 black 10.0 to 1.20 €  
09-13 (O) PC prW Reg PC regrind mixed colour sheet grade FR VO coloured 4.7 to 0.70 €  
09-13 (O) PC Rec Reg PC regrind mixed colour for black coloured 10.0 to 1.15 €  
09-13 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS regrind mixed colour coloured 1.1 to 0.90 €  
09-13 (O) PE-HD Rec Reg HD-PE regrind natural transparent & yellow, blow grade natural 19.3 to 0.47 €  
09-13 (R) PE-HD pcW HDPE IBC  
09-13 (O) others Vir Pel PBAT // A400 SF NC801 // 6x800kg Big Bags // Virgin natural 4.8 to 1.50 €  
09-13 (O) TPE Vir Pel TPE TEFABLOC white 1.2 to  
09-13 (O) ABS Vir Pel Polyflam Rabs 90000 black 0.3 to  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS Vir Pel PC+ABS LG Chem black 0.1 to 2.45 €  
09-12 (O) others prW Suchen Produktionsabfälle  
09-12 (O) PA 6 prW Reg PA 6- 15 coloured 1.0 to  
09-12 (O) PC PIR Reg PC HOPELEX PC-1220 UR coloured 11.0 to 1.00 €  
09-12 (O) PA prW Reg PA6 + PA66 coloured 20.0 to  
09-12 (O) PET Rec Pel rPET pellets clear (food grade) clear 40.0 to  
09-12 (O) PE-HD Rec Pel HDPE granules ex caps black 80.0 to  
09-12 (O) PET prW Reg Regrind PET ex preforms blue 50.0 to  
09-12 (O) PE-HD PIR Reg HDPE Mahlgut transparent ex Flaschen, Produktionsabfall transparent 24.0 to  
09-12 (O) PE prW Agl PE Agglomerat ex 310 grey 18.0 to 0.05 €  
09-12 (R) PARA prW PARA, IXEF  
09-12 (R) PBT PBT  
09-12 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS/TPU black 44.0 to  
09-12 (O) PC/ABS prW Pel PC/ABS Regranulat black  
09-12 (R) PA oth oth ..  
09-12 (R) PP Reg PP Mahlgut 44.0 to  
09-12 (R) PA 6.6/PA 6 prW Reg .. black 5.0 to  
09-12 (R) TPE TPE 45.0 to  
09-12 (R) PC oth .. 10.0 to  
09-12 (R) PA prW PA Fasern 40.0 to  
09-12 (R) XPS EPS , XPS, GPPS 180.0 to  
09-12 (R) PEEK prW PEEK  
09-12 (R) PP/EPDM prW PP/EPDM  
09-12 (O) PET prW Reg PET transparent 48.0 to  
09-12 (R) PS GPPS, XPS, EPS 120.0 to  
09-12 (R) PE-HD Reg HDPE Mahlgut, ex Flaschenkappenverschlüsse coloured 30.0 to  
09-12 (R) PVDF prW PVDF