Current entries in the material exchange

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Vir=Virgin material
Sur=Surplus Material/ Off-grades
PCR=Post Consumer Recyclate
PIR=Post Industrial Recyclate
prW=Produktion waste
pcW=Post consumer waste
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Selected entries: 3877
3701 to 3750
 Date O/R Material Type Form Details Color Foto  Cert  PDF Amount €/kg Nat.
06-18 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS - Mahlgut MT 3616 schwarz black 6.3 to  
06-18 (R) PES prW Reg PES Ultrason regind wanted 10.0 to  
06-18 (R) PA 4.6 prW Reg PA 4.6 regind wanted  
06-18 (O) PC Rec Pel PC black Industrial-Quality black 100.0 to  
06-18 (R) ABS ABS Stocklots Granules-Regind  
06-18 (O) PC Vir Cpd PC with FR (yellow card possible) 20.0 to  
06-18 (R) PET-G prW G-PET Post Produktion gesucht 100.0 to  
06-18 (O) ABS Rec Pel ABS black Industrial-Quality Extrusion black 20.0 to  
06-18 (O) PP-Copo Pel PP Compounds 20.0 to  
06-18 (O) PP Pel PP Compounds 20.0 to  
06-18 (O) PP-TV Pel PP Compounds 20.0 to  
06-18 (R) PC/ABS prW Reg PC/ABS regrind with paint wanted  
06-18 (O) PE/PP PIR Pel LDPE/PP Regranulat (150-200 To sofort verfügbar) 23.0 to 0.69 €  
06-17 (R) PP WEEE materials WANTED 1,000.0 to  
06-17 (O) PBT prW Reg PBT Pocan and Ultradur industrial regrind grey 21.0 to 0.35 €  
06-17 (R) PET prW Suche PET A, PET G, GAG clear 100.0 to  
06-17 (O) PET-A prW Reg PET A Schwarz black 22.7 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW Bls PP 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW PP 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PP prW PP weiss 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PS prW PS bunt 24.0 to  
06-17 (R) PS prW PS weiss 24.0 to  
06-17 (O) PP-GF prW Reg PP GF black 24.0 to  
06-17 (O) Filler Material Vir Pel Kritilen PP CaCO3 Filler PP988 Granulat natural 2.0 to  
06-17 (O) PET Reg A-PET Mahlgut Schwarz aus Trays (kein Multilayer) black 15.0 to  
06-17 (O) PC/PET prW Reg PC/PET Mahlgut Schwarz von Automotive black 1.8 to 0.25 €  
06-17 (O) PP PIR SO PP pipes post industrial lumps coloured 10.0 to 0.25 €  
06-17 (O) ABS prW Reg ABS white 1.1 to 0.75 €  
06-17 (O) PC Vir Pel Makrolon 2207 weiß 010203 white 3.0 to 2.40 €  
06-17 (O) PC/ABS Rec Pel PC/ABS Typ T45 PG natur Recyclat natural 2.0 to  
06-17 (O) ABS prW Pel ABS Granulat grey 15.0 to 0.85 €  
06-17 (O) PA 6.6 PA66 Gf 30 schulamid colour white  
06-17 (O) PC PC clear  
06-17 (O) PVC PVC soft65 SHA  
06-17 (R) PP/EPDM We are searching PP EPDM  
06-17 (O) PC/ABS PC ABS lumps  
06-17 (O) PP prW Pel pp t20 regranulate green  
06-17 (O) PE-HD Vir Pel HDPE Powder - extrusion MFI 0.19 (2,16kg) natural 20.0 to 0.84 €  
06-17 (O) PET Vir Pel PET NEOPET80 144.0 to 1.20 €  
06-17 (O) PP Rec Pel PP regranulate TERAKOTA - MFI 25 (2.16kg) brown 11.0 to 0.85 €  
06-17 (O) PP-Homo Rec Pel PP regranulate TERAKOTA - MFI 25 (2.16kg) brown 11.0 to 0.85 €  
06-17 (O) PE-LLD Vir Pel Sabic LLDPE 318BJ natural 2.4 to 0.89 €  
06-17 (O) others prW Mix technic. lumps coloured 40.0 to  
06-17 (O) PC prW Reg PC regrind ex twin wall sheets natural 17.9 to 1.30 €  
06-17 (O) PA 6 Vir Pel PA 6 prime virgin pellets GF 50% black, HB black 0.2 to 1.50 €  
06-17 (R) PET PIR Reg PET transparent regrind transparent  
06-17 (O) PLA PIR Reg We offer PLA and ESTABIO white  
06-17 (O) PP prW Reg PP TV+GF black 42.0 to