Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

masterbatch for sale
Offer from:2024-04-26
Material: Masterbatch
Type: Additive
Form: Pellets
Color: Sonstige
Amount: 14 to
Price:0.50 EUR/kg
Logistical data:
Packaging: bags
Delivery: ex works
Location: Hungary
We can offer surplus masterbatch in oirignal 25 kg bags:
VIBA PSC 47561 burgundy 875 kg
VIBA PSA 333 green 875 kg
VIBA PSA 63095 blue 7.455 kg
VIBA PSA ROJO 47174 red 1.200 kg
VIBA PSC 60226 grey 1.000 kg
GALLOPLAST PS 630468 white 1.075 kg
BASF SICOSTRYREN 70-9055 1.175 kg


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