Basis data for "Real Time Price List"

The "Real time price list" for
PS / bases on the following offers.

Search result: 20 hits (click the headers to change sort criteria)

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 Date Material Type Form Color Amount Details €/kg Nat.
09-11 PS Vir Pel natural 6.3 to PS-HI Synthos 552M-9002 natur 1.69 €  
08-26 PS Vir Pel natural 0.2 to .. 1.55 €  
09-01 PS Vir Pel clear 1.2 to PS Glasklar 1.30 €  
09-10 PS Post Industrial Recyclate Reg clear 50.0 to Gpps regrind clear ex styrolut.. 1.20 €  
09-16 PS prW Reg clear 1.7 to PS Mahlgut ex Styrolution 168N.. 1.10 €  
09-10 PS prW Reg clear 5.0 to Mahlgut PS glasklar, ex Styrol.. 1.00 €  
09-09 PS prW Pel black 22.0 to .. 0.89 €  
09-10 PS Rec Pel black 200.0 to PS Regranulat aus Fernsehgehäu.. 0.83 €  
08-27 PS Rec Pel black 200.0 to PS Regranulat aus Fernsehgehäu.. 0.83 €  
08-27 PS Rec Pel black 200.0 to PS Regranulat aus Fernsehgehäu.. 0.83 €  
09-05 PS oth Reg coloured 3.3 to PS 0.81 €  
08-23 PS Rec Pel black 72.0 to PS REGRANLATE BLACK 0.81 €  
09-05 PS oth Reg black 0.8 to PS aus Spulen 0.81 €  
09-09 PS Rec Pel black 10.0 to .. 0.79 €  
08-21 PS prW Reg white 5.6 to Polystyrol/Styron (PS) mit Fla.. 0.65 €  
08-28 PS prW Reg coloured 20.0 to PS-HI filmspools mix color 0.60 €  
09-02 PS Rec Reg coloured 5.0 to PS Mahlgut bunt mit Papier 0.40 €  
09-03 PS Post Industrial Recyclate Reg clear 0.5 to PS glasklar, ex Edistir N 2560 0.35 €  
09-06 PS Post Consumer Recyclate Bls others 15.0 to PS Hangers 0.15 €  
09-16 PS Bls 45.0 to PS flower pots mixed with PS h.. 0.13 €