Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

PU Softfoam RG60 Prod. Recycling/Shred
Offer from:2025-02-11
Material: PUR
Type: Production Waste
Form: Regrind
Color: grey
Price:0.20 EUR/kg
Logistical data:
Packaging: big-bag
Delivery: ex works
Location: Deutschland
Offer: PUR Foam Scrap with POE+CaCO₃ Contaminations
We regularly offer PUR foam scrap generated from our production. After shredding, the material is processed through a screening system to efficiently separate the PUR from the POE film.

1. Material Specifications:
Foam System: Huntsman
Density: approx. 60 kg/m³
Polyol/Isocyanate Ratio: 100/50
Foam Type: Soft foam
Contaminations: POE + CaCO₃
2. Availability:
Quantity: 5–10 tons per month
Sample Material: 2 Big Bags available
3. Special Features:
High-quality, shredded PUR foam material
Regular supply quantities for continuous availability
Efficient separation of POE film through screening system
4. Terms & Conditions:
Price: Upon request
Delivery/Pickup: To be arranged
5. Contact:
If you are interested or have any further questions, please feel free to contact us directly.
We look forward to your inquiry.

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