Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

PE-LLD Powder Rotation MFR 3 500µm
Offer from:2025-02-26
Material: PE-LLD
Type: Post Industrial Recyclate
Form: Powder
Color: black
Amount: 20 to
Certificate: vorhanden
Logistical data:
Packaging: big-bag
Delivery: ex works
Location: St.Ingbert
Application: rotary industry

Average: 500µm
Analysis of grain distribution available

Availability: 3-4 FTL/month

If you have any questions, are interested in samples, etc., you can contact me at any time at my new email address [email address on the right]

Further information about Recosal GmbH and our general terms and conditions can be found at

 document to this offer (pdf, 516 kB)


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