Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

Gum rosin
Offer from:2025-03-09
Material: Additive
Type: Virgin Material
Form: others
Color: amber
Amount: 50 to
Price:1.50 EUR/kg
Certificate: vorhanden
Logistical data:
Packaging: container
Delivery: ex works
Location: hafen EU
Supplier-Ref.-No.: P1300
Application in various areas of the industry.
for eg. s a binder for paints. Besides, it increases the stickiness of a mixture of wax, wetted materials during soldering and improves the adhesion of bows for stringed instruments.

Also in the manufacture of printing inks, adhesives, rubber, sealing and sealers balsam resins are substances used. Mostly, you meet a stabilizing function, increase the adhesive effect, or to speed up the drying process.

 document to this offer (pdf, 840 kB)


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