Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

PP CURV homo agglomerate high quality
Offer from:2025-03-12
Material: PP-Homo
Type: Production Waste
Form: Agglomerate
Color: black
Amount: 40 to
Logistical data:
Packaging: big-bag
Delivery: ex works
Location: Hungary
continuous quantity and same quality since 2009 !
2-3 truck/month
One truck load: 22 pallets, about 20-21 tons

DENSITY:0,9192 kg/mmm EN ISO 118-1 Method A
IMPACT STRENGHT:2,6kJ/m2 EN ISO 179-1,EN ISO 179-2 or EN ISO 180
MELT FLOW RATE:3,5g/10 min EN ISO 113 Condition M

origin:from Samsonite travel bag project production waste
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