Supplier of Services for Plastics Industry

Konstruktionsbüro Hein GmbH

Marschstraße 25
31535 Neustadt


Phone:    +49 (0)5032 63 15 1
Fax:    +49 (0)5032 63 11 6

Contact Persons



Mr. Rudolf Hein (

Tel.: +49 (0) 5032 63151
Fax: +49 (0) 5032 63116



Mr. Alexander Hein (

Tel.: +49 (0) 5032 63151
Fax: +49 (0) 5032 63116

Additional Web Links
» English homepage
Business Categories

Services: Consulting, Engineering, Industrial design, Product developement, Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, Simulations, Calculations, Software, Surveyor, Assessor, Training courses, Seminars

Services in Detail:

Design, product development, FEM analysis, prototyping, injection moulding simulation, parts optimisation, distortion simulation, simulation of temperature regulation, trouble shooting, mould design, tool design

Pictures of the company and its products
From idea to good part
Product development
Injection moulding simulation
Part optimisation
IsoForm - the tool concept
Company Profile

Konstruktionsbüro Hein GmbH provides services for the plastics technology industry, from product development to the implementation for mass production.

We offer product development and parts optimisation, if required including injection moulding simulation, fem analysis, prototyping and tool design. Innovative solutions for cost reduction by means of parts optimisation, temperature regulation close to the contour and reduction of distortions.

Our optimisations in the product development phase allow for already obtaining good parts at the first sample run significantly more often. Our injection moulding simulations always include a temperature regulation of the tool – even if the tool design is not yet included in the product development phase.

Another challenge is to find solutions for problems that occur when injection moulding is used – trouble shooting. We will be happy to advise you and we will show you solutions that can be implemented fast and have been proved in simulations. Tool manufacturers from our network of partners are available for the implementation of modifications.

The field of tool design includes thermosetting and thermoplastic materials as well as elastomers for a wide range of applications, e.g. for hybrid parts with inserts, insert and outsert technology, multi-component parts, gas injection, water injection, tandem technology, thread spindling-off etc..

Developed by KB Hein, the isolated tool concept IsoForm®, toge­ther with the HeiNo® standard elements for gates, ventila­tion and temperature ventilation, forms the basis for a holistic approach to tool design with the subsequent advantages for pro­cess reliability and efficiency with regard to quality, costs, time and energy requirements.

After it has been implemented for a considerable number of different mould tools the protected “IsoForm®” concept has proved to be both process-reliable and energy-efficient.

IsoForm® and HeiNo® standard elements are distributed by our partner Nonnenmann GmbH.

Zertifiziert nach ISO 9001:2015
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