

01.06.2004 | Lesedauer: ca. 2 Minuten    

[Die folgende Meldung liegt nur in englischer Sprache vor]

PET-Recycling: Another new recycling line in France

The Board of Directors of Tergal Fibres ( has approved the investment project to create a new 20 000 tons/year facility of recycled PET. This bottle grade plastic comes from the post-consumer collection.

This new unit is expected to start producing towards the end of the first half of 2005. “Enjoying a growth rate in PET which is more than twice the market rate, it seems essential for us to keep this momentum by becoming as fast as possible a significant player in the promising field of recycled PET” has indicated Alain Audubert, Chairman of the Board of Tergal Fibres, who “feels confident that this will be a success, looking at the solid technical and economic results achieved by the company”.


Tergal Fibres is a French producer of polyester staple fibres and bottle grade resin. Located in Gauchy in the suburbs of Saint Quentin (Aisne - France), it produces 110 000 tons annually and invest significantly in R&D to feed its future growth. It is fully owned by the ”Compagnie Européene de Polyesters” (CEP) which has as a lead investor Natexis Industrie, followed by ABN AMRO , EPF Partners and Participex, the management team holding the remaining 10% of the CEP stock .

For any further enquiry, please contact:
Mr. Alain Audubert at + 33 1 58 62 59 71
Mr. Jean-Claude Faure at: + 33 3 23 64 44 50

Tergal Fibres, Gauchy/France

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