

2023-12-14, 11:36

European Bioplastics Conference 2023: 380 participants at the 18th edition

380 participants gathered in Berlin and online from 12-13 December 2023 to attend the 18th edition of the European Bioplastics Conference 2023 (EBC23).

In their opening speech, Lars Börger and Mariagiovanna Vetere, acting co-chairs of the EUBP, emphasised the importance of sustainability commitments: "We are living in crazy times, the European Commission has already finalised most of its legislation, the regulation on packaging and packaging waste is still under intense negotiation. Outside Europe, the United Nations negotiations on the Plastics Treaty have also been intense and show that we are unfortunately getting further away from our goals every day. At the same time, companies are endeavouring to incorporate sustainability into their DNA and set themselves ambitious targets. From a niche market, bioplastics are now becoming mainstream and that is good news for sustainability", said Lars Börger.


"During the two days of the conference, you will experience innovations, because our materials are fit for the future. Our world, our products, are preparing for the next challenges. We are a growing niche sector, but one that has retained its strong character. It is rooted in sustainability, in a firm belief in what we do", added Mariagiovanna Vetere.

The sessions emphasised the importance of regulation, which plays a greater role in our lives every day. Innovations and partnerships along the value chain that are necessary to build a strong ecosystem for the circular economy were also presented.

In the policy panel, industry and policymakers reiterated the role of the bioeconomy in realising the goals of the European Green Deals and the need for a policy framework to foster innovation beyond funding research and development.

The market data panel showed that the industry is producing at almost full capacity. But there is still room for growth and innovation.

"The growth in bioplastics production capacity should be seen in the broader global context of a climate crisis, escalating energy costs and disrupted value chains. Despite these challenges, the capacity for bioplastics production is increasing, underlining the resilience and importance of our industry", said Hasso von Pogrell, Managing Director of European Bioplastics (EUBP). 

This year, the recognised business and networking platform for bioplastics took place in a hybrid format and attracted 380 participants from all over the world, both on-site and online. At the accompanying exhibition, around 40 companies, researchers and institutions presented a wide variety of new products, materials and applications.

The next edition of the European Bioplastics Conference is planned for 10 and 11 December 2024 in Berlin.

More information:

European Bioplastics, Berlin, Germany

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