2012-05-18, 06:03 |
PHB is the most abundant member of the PHA family. It is a crystalline biopolyester with thermoplastic properties. Biomer has developed a number of PHB formulations for technical applications. However their fogging behavior and volatile emissions prevent their use in the car interior. In the joint EU project ECOplast comprising car suppliers, research institutes, compounders and raw material suppliers, the components that lead to fogging or volalites were identified and replaced by others. As a result a new formulation, called Biomer®P304, is available for car interior parts. Biomer®P304 matches most of the mechanical properties of Biomer®P226 that is widely used in technical parts, especially in pyrotechnics. Biomer®P304 is available in pilot scale quantities. Biomer®P304 is the base to further develop within the project a procedure to produce on a commercial scale long natural fiber composites with excellent impact strength. These composites can be thermoformed without loosing the strength. Biomer focuses on producing PHB for technical parts. ECOplast is financed by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme. More information: www.biomer.de, ctag.com, www.aimplas.es |
Exploitation and Dissemination Management, ECOplast project
Heinrich DREHER GmbH & Co KG
52078 Aachen, Germany
Greger GmbH
5204 Straßwalchen, Austria
NUVIA Plastic & Packaging
37216 Witzenhausen-Roßbach, Germany
REICO Kunststoff-Technik GmbH
39646 Oebisfelde, Germany
Reitz Technik GmbH
63599 Biebergemünd, Germany