

2023-11-28, 06:06

Nestlé: Swiss finance plastics recycling plant from Impact Recycling

The Swiss food company Nestlé is participating in the financing of a new plastics recycling plant of the British company Impact Recycling.

According to a press release, the Group subsidiary Nestlé UK & Ireland is providing a loan of GBP 7 million (EUR 8 million) for the project. The project is also being supported with funding from the government innovation agency Innovate UK.

Impact Recycling is building a plant for the recycling of flexible plastic packaging at the Durham site near Newcastle in north-east England. The complex will utilise the Baffled Oscillation Separation System ("BOSS") process developed by Impact Recycling to separate and process various plastics. The plant will process around 25,000 tonnes of mixed plastic waste annually into regranulates for the production of new plastic films. Commissioning is planned for the summer of next year. No information is available on the total cost of the project.


Sokhna Gueye, Head of Packaging at Nestlé UK & Ireland, said: "I am delighted to be working with Impact Recycling to help fund this new facility in Durham. At Nestlé we are committed to ensuring that our packaging can be recycled and does not end up as waste in landfill. Supporting innovative technologies like this is just one of the many steps we are taking to achieve this goal. In the UK and Ireland, we are continuing our efforts to ensure that almost 100 per cent of our packaging becomes recyclable by 2025."

David Walsh, CEO of Impact Recycling, said: "We are delighted to be partnering with Nestlé on this initiative to develop a 25,000 tonne per year commercial flexible plastics recycling facility. Without Nestlé's funding, this project would not be possible."

Founded in 2014, Impact Recycling currently operates a "BOSS" recycling plant with an annual capacity of 6,000 tonnes in Newcastle.

More information:,,

Nestlé UK and Ireland, Durham, England

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