

2023-12-08, 11:34

Röhm: Dr Hans Bohnen appointed as new CEO

Dr. Hans Bohnen - (Photos: Röhm).
The Supervisory Board of Röhm GmbH has appointed Dr Hans Bohnen as CEO of Röhm GmbH with effect from 1 February 2024. He will take over the CEO role from Dr Michael Pack, who, after 34 years in the chemical industry and almost ten years at the helm of the MMA/PMMA business, has decided to step back from the operational business and retire on 1 March 2024.

Dr Dahai Yu, Chairman of the Röhm Supervisory Board: "Michael Pack successfully led the company through the pandemic while driving key projects such as the construction of the new LiMA plant and
Dr. Michael Pack
the acquisition of Sabic's Functional Forms business. We regret his decision to retire and wish him all the best for the future."

According to further company information, the change of leadership at the top of Röhm was planned for the long term and will take place seamlessly at the beginning of the year with a joint handover period for the top management. "Röhm's goal is to become the world's leading methacrylate group and to further expand the company's technological leadership. I will play an active role in shaping this," says Dr Hans Bohnen, emphasising his motivation for the new role.


Dr Hans Bohnen has held international management positions in various chemical companies in recent years. He began his career at Hoechst AG and then took on various management roles at Celanese, SGL Carbon and the strategy consultancy Booz Allen Hamilton.

Dr Hans Bohnen was appointed to the Management Board of Clariant AG in 2018, where he assumed responsibility for the Care Chemicals, Catalysis and Renewables divisions. He was also responsible for Purchasing and Technology as well as the North and South America regions. Dr Hans Bohnen has been Group CEO of HyCC since mid-2023.

More information:,

Röhm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany

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