Recybase - The Material Exchange of plasticker

PE-LD Lupolen 1800H colored regrind
Offer from:2024-04-29
Material: PE-LD
Type: Production Waste
Form: Regrind
Color: coloured
Amount: 294 kg
Logistical data:
Packaging: big-bag
Delivery: ex works
Location: 47533
Supplier-Ref.-No.: 2-04-010
We can offer:

PE-LD Lupolen 1800H colored regrind
Verpackung: Big Bag
Quantity: 294 kg

The material is very properly processed.

On request, we can of course also process the regrind into a regranulate for you.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With kind regards

Luca Bintig

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